
  • 网络a second;ONE SECOND
  1. 要想知道一秒的价值

    To realize the value of one second :

  2. 前一秒我还在格雷森庄园

    One second , I 'm at Grayson manor ,

  3. 时钟的指针在一秒一秒地移动。

    The hands of the clock are moving , second by second .

  4. 黑猩猩和一些大学生被要求在不到一秒的时间内看完数字,然后记住数字在哪里。

    Chimpanzees and some college students were asked to remember where the numbers were after watching the numbers in less than a second .

  5. 它只存在远远不到一秒,就衰变成另外两种粒子,两种粒子的数量本应相等,但结果并非如此,这可能是因为一种神秘的力量阻断了这个过程。

    It exists for only a fragment of a second , and then decays into two other particles – what it should do in equal numbers – but it doesn 't , possibly because a mystery force is interrupting the process .

  6. 作者根据这个特性,采用双光子显微镜可以一秒一秒地跟着活体细胞内pH值变化。

    The authors used this feature in two-photon microscopy to track second-by-second pH changes in living cells .

  7. 指定静态内容从单一的IP地址来请求的最大数量可以处理在每一秒,无论其已建立的连接数。

    Specifies the maximum allowed outgoing throughput to a single IP address regardless of number of connections established .

  8. 在您自已生成这个模型时,您会看到WEKA只用了不到一秒的时间就处理好了这个模型。

    When you do it yourself , you 'll see that WEKA flies through the model in less than a second .

  9. 肺功能检查结果。包括用力肺活量(FVC),第一秒时间肺活量(FEV1)和一秒率(FEV1/FVC)等。

    Pulmonary function tests ( PFT ), including forced vital capacity ( FVC ), forced the first second of expiratory volume ( FEV1 ) and FEV1 / FVC .

  10. 两组患者均在治疗前后分别检测诱导痰液中白介素8(IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)以及肺通气功能指标用力肺活量(FVC)、一秒时间肺活量(FEV0)。

    The interleukin-8 ( IL-8 ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha ( TNF - α) in induced sputum were determined by immunoassay . The relationship between IL-8 , TNF - α and FVC , FEV1.0 were analysed .

  11. 在所有三个组,血YKL-40水平与哮喘严重程度正相关,而与一秒用力呼气量负相关。

    In all three cohorts , serum YKL-40 levels correlated positively with the severity of asthma and inversely with the forced expiratory volume in1 second .

  12. 这个自然数的流每隔一秒就被发送到ScaleInt进程的in通道。

    This stream of natural numbers one second apart is then fed into the in channel of the ScaleInt process .

  13. 随着预期的碰撞时间的缩短,cms系统能通过将刹车皮移近制动盘来准备好突然刹车,最终当系统断定不到一秒之内就会发生碰撞时,它就启动自动刹车。

    As the anticipated time-to-impact decreases , CMS prepares the car for sudden braking by moving the brake pads nearer to the brake disks , and finally , when the system concludes that a collision is less than one second away , it starts to apply the brakes itself .

  14. 肺功能检测主要包括最大通气量(MVV)、一秒率(FEV1/FVC%)和残气容积(RV/TLC%)。

    The lung function tests included maximal voluntary ventilation ( MVV % ), forced vital capacity ( FVC ), force expiratory volume ( FEV 1 ) and RV / TLC % ( residual volume , RV ; total lung capacity , TLC ) .

  15. “最近,您可能需要等待一秒左右才能看到账户余额,”Olofson说,“过去来说还算很好,但是现在只能算一般。”

    " These days , you may have to wait a second or so to see your account balance ," says Olofson . " That used to be great ; now it 's average . "

  16. 布里切特提出了很多的建议,包括调整Sparrow文本位置、“延长动画淡出时间一秒左右”。勒卡说他听从了大部分的建议并邀请布里切特当他的顾问;

    Mr. Brichter responded to Mr. Leca with copious notes about the Sparrow app , including suggesting an adjustment to Sparrow 's text placement and advising Mr. Leca to ' delay the fade-out animation by a second or so . ' Mr. Leca says he followed much of the advice and asked Mr. Brichter to be an adviser ;

  17. 随着EICC的推广和深入人心,企业应该也只能从提高生产效率着手,通过确保工人进入生产线的每一秒时间都在产生相应的效益,来使得人力成本得到最大化的应用。

    With the popularization of EICC , the company should and could only achieve the maximum utility of the labor cost by improving the production efficiency , making sure the corresponding benefits has been produced the moment employees begin to work .

  18. 最后一秒预定这个方法现在已经开始显得越来越重要。

    Last minutes deals are indeed becoming more and more rare .

  19. 下一秒我们就走出去了。

    And the next we 're just walking out of here .

  20. 我在这里以外的地方每一秒都是不必要的冒险。

    Every second I 'm out here is an unnecessary risk .

  21. 在你探索的目光中,每一秒都是一副斑斓的图画。

    In your groping sight , each second is a bright-coloured .

  22. 它固执地想坚守到最后一秒。

    Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment .

  23. 我也和你一样,喜欢等到片子的最后一秒。

    Yes , I normally stay till the end as well .

  24. 这时的宇宙形成还不到一秒。

    And the universe is still less than one second old .

  25. 先生,每过一秒都会有更多的人遇难。

    Sir , with each passing moment , more peoplewill die .

  26. 好神奇看来每一秒都有意义

    Curious ! And I suppose every second counts . Count ?

  27. 毕竟,每一秒的闲置都等于浪费金钱。

    After all , an idle tick was money wasted .

  28. 我们要在两分钟内出来,不能拖延一秒。

    We 're out in two minutes , not one second longer .

  29. 我们的脑袋在每一秒里所处理的庞大信息量。

    The infinite information that the brain is processing every single second .

  30. 这一秒的最后,是怎样呢?

    What do I know about the end of the first second ?