
yī bān děnɡ jià wù
  • universal equivalent;general equivalent in value
  1. 货币作为在流通中交换的一般等价物,其上的文字也标志了它的特殊身份。

    In the circulation of currency exchange as the universal equivalent , the text is also a sign of its special status .

  2. 作为一般等价物,货币只能充当已经形成的商品的交换媒介,也就是实现两个已经付出的劳动的交换。

    As a universal equivalent , money works only as the medium of exchange of commodities , i.e. , two paid labors .

  3. 由于历史条件的变化,对马克思的货币理论需要进一步认识:马克思把货币看作是充当一般等价物的特殊商品,而纸币并不是具有内在价值的商品;

    With the change of the historical condition , we need to reconsider Marxist money theory .

  4. 货币,作为一般等价物,自从诞生之日起,就意味着经济开始走向货币化之路。

    The economy began to going monetization since the currency borne to work as a general equivalent .

  5. 理想的货币是被普遍接受的一般等价物,便于储藏和携带,而且易于分割。

    The ideal money is something universally acceptable , easily stored and transported , and highly divisible .

  6. 钱币是指历史上作为一般等价物使用的,有加工痕迹及固定单位的金属铸币和纸币。

    Money means the universal equivalent used in history , with marks of fabrication and fixed units , including metal coins and paper money .

  7. 货币作为一般等价物的代表,作为其使用价值无法比较的不同商品的可交换性的代表,统治着社会。

    Money dominated society as the representation of general equivalence , namely , of the exchangeability of different goods whose uses could not be compared .

  8. 当然,货币由于是天然的价值的表现形式、交易符号,是一般等价物。

    Of course , the value of the currency because it is a natural form of expression , trading symbol , is the general equivalent .

  9. 本文在分析我国传统货币理论局限性的基础上,提出货币的本质不是充当一般等价物的特殊商品,而是信用的观点。

    The author presents a new point of view that currency is credit , not the special goods regarded as general equivalent of all other goods .

  10. 半个多世纪以来,许多经济学教材、论著和辞典中,将货币的本质界定为固定充当一般等价物的特殊商品。

    For half a century , many economists have held the points that the essence of currency is special goods which acts as universal equivalent permanently .

  11. 商品交换的发展经历了偶然的物物交换阶段、扩大了的物物交换阶段、一般等价物交换阶段和货币阶段。

    The development of goods exchange experienced a period of accidental goods exchange , expanded goods exchange , the usual exchange of equal values and currency .

  12. 虚拟货币是指那些存在网络空间中游戏玩家用来交换虚拟物品时一般等价物,类似于现实中的货币功能。

    Virtual money are those that exist in cyberspace gamers to use to exchange virtual goods are normally equivalent , similar to the real function of the currency .

  13. 货币理论揭:示了货币演变的历史逻辑:从自由货币到国家货币再到世界货币,是货币一般等价物性质的螺旋上升过程。

    Currency theory demonstrates the historic logic of its transformation from free currency to national currency then to global currency . It 's a spiral progress of " general equivalents " .

  14. 长期以来,黄金作为一般等价物,执行国际货币的职能,成为各国对外经济交往的媒介。

    For a long time , gold as the universal equivalent had been performing the functions of international currency . It had become the medium of international economic trade for every country .

  15. 我国传统货币理论认为:货币的本质是商品或一般等价物,而西方经济学则认为:货币的本质是任何被普遍接受的东西。

    The traditional monetary theory in China considers that the nature of money is commodity or universal equivalent . The western economics considers that the nature of money is anything which can be accepted universally .

  16. 当货币这种用于交换的一般等价物成为人们生存和发展愈来愈不可少的对象物时,就会形成相应的货币观念,并成为影响人生存、发展的观念和情感的重要因素。

    As money , the universal medium of exchange , becomes an object increasingly necessary for people 's existence and development , corresponding concepts of money are formed and become important influences on the spirit and emotions of human existence and development .

  17. 景观是货币的另一面,也是全部商品的一般抽象等价物。

    The spectacle is the other side of money : it is the general abstract equivalent of all commodities .