
jiānɡ lái jìn xínɡ shí
  • future progressive
  1. 页课文中找出含有将来进行时的句子。

    Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using the future continuous .

  2. 将来进行时由“shall/will+be+现在分词”构成明天8点到10点之间请不要给我打电话,我那时正在上课。

    Please don 't call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow . I 'll be having my classes then .

  3. 到今年冬天我就已任教三十年了。将来完成进行时的情态意义

    I 'll have been teaching for thirty years this winter .

  4. 到今年年底,我在这个工厂工作就有20年了。将来完成进行时连用的时间状语

    I shall have been working here in this factory for twenty years by the end of the year .

  5. 晚清的乌托邦小说在时间构形上通常表现为“将来过去时”、“将来完成时”和“将来进行时”等三种不同面相。

    There are three kinds of shapes of the tenses in the Utopia Novels of the later Qing Dynasty : the future past tense , the future perfect tense and the future continuous tense .