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jiàng shì
  • Soldiers;officers and men
将士 [jiàng shì]
  • [officers and men] 将领和士兵的统称

将士[jiàng shì]
  1. 将士用命。

    Officers and men perform their assigned duties conscientiously .

  2. 将士们认识回国的路吗?

    Did the officers and men know the way back home ?

  3. 女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了花圈。

    The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial .

  4. 为阵亡将士纪念碑举行了落成典礼。

    A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war .

  5. 逾4,000名陆、海、空三军将士在香榭丽舍大街游行。

    More than four thousand soldiers , sailors and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysee

  6. 被俘将士以死尽节。

    The captured soldiers and commanders died , loyal to the last .

  7. 林肯在演说中表扬阵亡将士

    Lincoln commemorated the soldiers killed in the battle in his address .

  8. 数以百万计的美国人每年都会享受三天的美国阵亡将士纪念日(MemeorialDay)假期。

    Around this time each year , millions of Americans are enjoying a three-day weekend heading into Memorial Day .

  9. 华特和查里斯?G?格登领导下的西方势力“长胜军”相互勾结才逐步把太平军逐回南方,并在1864年在太平军首府南京惨杀太平军将士,天京陷落。

    Gordon with their " Ever-Victorious Army " were able to gradually throw back the Taiping armies and to massacre the Heavenly Capital Nanjing in 1864 .

  10. 根据美国周刊(USWeekly)的名人分手大事记,从阵亡将士纪念日(MemorialDay)起,至少有24对明星情侣分手,其中很多是八卦小报的固定报道对象。

    At least 24 star couples , many of them tabloid staples , have gone down for the count since Memorial Day , according to a recent US Weekly timeline on the topic .

  11. 这次核试验在美国阵亡将士纪念日(memorialday)举行,可能也是向美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)发出一个信息,贫穷的朝鲜希望向他索要资金和粮食。

    Coming on the US Memorial Day holiday , the blast may also be a message to Barack Obama , US president , from whom impoverished North Korea wants to extort money and food .

  12. 最终的作品是一段长三分钟、令人眼花缭乱的视频。这段视频将在美国阵亡将士纪念日当天,在有线电视网络RFD-TV的一档知名节目AgDay中播出。

    The final product , a dazzling three-minute video , is due to air on Memorial Day on a popular show called Ag Day on cable network RFD-TV .

  13. 据一位了解状况的人士称,Kayak原计划在五月底美国阵亡将士纪念日(MemorialDay)前后启动面向大型投资者的路演。

    Kayak , an online travel listings site based in Norwalk , Conn. , had planned to kick off its roadshow to hype its public offering to large investors around memorial day , according to someone familiar with the situation .

  14. KellyBlueBook的分析师亚历克斯o古铁雷斯表示,尽管黑色星期五的汽车销量目前尚未达到美国阵亡将士纪念日和劳动节的水平,但对汽车经销商而言,它已迅速成为一年中最重要的周末之一。

    Alex Gutierrez , an analyst at Kelly Blue Book , said that while Black Friday hasn 't yet reached the level of Memorial Day or Labor Day for car sales , it 's quickly becoming one of the bigger weekends of the year for dealers .

  15. 即便是她想必也直觉地意识到了这一点&当一艘战舰在福克兰群岛(Falklands)附近沉没时,撒切尔为丧生的将士哭泣了40分钟。

    Even Thatcher must have been intuitively aware of this when she wept for 40 minutes at the loss of life when a battleship went down near the Falklands .

  16. 将会失去许多将士,我还得用他们跟我兄弟斗呢。

    I 'd lose good men , needed against my brothers .

  17. 关于阵亡将士纪念日的起源众说纷纭。

    Several different stories circulate about the origin of Memorial Day .

  18. 目前在伊拉克有几百名美国男女将士。

    Several hundred American servicemen and women are in the region .

  19. 他父亲的名字在阵亡将士名册中。

    His father 's name was on the roll of honor .

  20. 周日的胜利将会让兵工厂的将士们甜蜜的回家。

    A win on Sunday will ensure a sweet return home .

  21. 纽约是第一国家正式承认阵亡将士纪念日。

    New York was the1st state to officially recognize Memorial Day .

  22. 这一纪念碑是为纪念无名将士而建立的。

    This monument is sacred to the memory of the unknown soldier .

  23. 为纪念阵亡将士,举行了一次仪式。

    A ceremony was held in honour of those killed in battle .

  24. 所以我军不分将士。

    That is why our army , from general to foot soldier .

  25. 我们希望你在阵亡将士纪念日假期过的愉快。

    We hope you had a great Memorial Day holiday .

  26. 上一个阵亡将士纪念日的前夕午夜后的一段时间里。

    Some time after midnight on the eve of last Memorial Day .

  27. 在坑坑洼洼的前线,将士们从泥泞的战壕中走出来。

    Along the jagged front , men emerged from their muddy trenches .

  28. 怡君:这是大家在阵亡将士纪念日当天常会做的事吗?

    Is that what people usually do on Memorial Day ?

  29. 大家下午好又到了阵亡将士纪念日

    Good afternoon , everyone , and happy Memorial Day .

  30. 但每年临近阵亡将士纪念日的时候。

    And every year , as it got close to Memorial day .