
  • check mate;be dying
  1. 他的王棋已被将死。

    His king had been checkmated .

  2. 王被将死,棋手输了这盘棋。

    The king was checkmated and so the player lost the game .

  3. 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。

    Birds cry plaintively before they die , men speak kindly in the presence of death .

  4. 那个将死的人因疼痛难忍而哀叫。

    The dying man groaned with pain .

  5. 新雅尔塔式防守:对于弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)是政治特级大师还是就要被将死的蠢人,人们意见分歧。

    The new Yalta defence : Opinions differ as to whether Vladimir Putin is a political grandmaster or a fool who is on the verge of being checkmated .

  6. 她在一篇叫《InspirationandChai》的博客中记录了他们临死前的顿悟,这聚集了太多的关注,以至于她把自己的观察写到一本叫《将死之人的五大遗憾》的书里。

    She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai , which gathered so much attention that she put her observations into a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying .

  7. Lam博士说,这些人可以将死于吸烟相关疾病的几率降低到与从未吸烟者一样。

    Dr. Lam says they can reduce their risk of dying from a smoking-related illness to almost the same level as someone who never smoked . Even people who never smoke can still die from breathing other people 's secondhand smoke .

  8. 我无法拒绝接受任何一个将死之人的请求。

    I wouldn 't want to deny anyone their dying request .

  9. 否则你的家人将死在你之前。

    Otherwise your family 's going to die before you do .

  10. 经过最后的深思熟虑,谢军将死于对手。

    Xie Jun checkmated the rival after the final deliberate consideration .

  11. 你要这么着,我就将死了。

    You do that and I 'm a dead duck .

  12. 你想知道哪个黑棋将死白棋。

    You want to know which black piece took the white knight .

  13. 羞辱一个将死的男人没有任何意思。

    There 's no sport in humiliating a dead man .

  14. 那只将死的猫被发现口吐泡沫。

    The dying cat was found foaming at the mouth .

  15. 杀死我灵魄中将死之物吧,我的爱。

    Kill the dying in my soul , my love .

  16. 人之将死,其言也真。

    A man does not tell lie in the hour of death .

  17. 我将死于安乐,只到与你同在?

    And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me ?

  18. 你将死在地底未知之处。

    You will die down here and never be found .

  19. 白子总将死对方,他带着一种模模糊糊的神秘感觉这么想。

    White always mates , he thought with a sort of cloudy mysticism .

  20. 所有吸烟者中有多达半数以上将死于一种与烟草相关的疾病。

    Up to half of all smokers will die from a tobacco-related disease .

  21. 将死的人通常会回想起自己的过去。

    The dying usually think back of their past .

  22. 我们将会继续开展很多的盆栽活动,下次是拯救你将死的盆栽。

    So we will have another gradening event which called'rescue your plants ' .

  23. 他们说在将死之际会觉得暖和,温暖而困倦。

    They say you feel warm near the end , warm and sleepy .

  24. 我将死了又死,以明白生是无穷无尽的。

    I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible .

  25. 不管你怎么下,三步以后就会被将死了。

    Whichever way you play , it will be checkmate in three moves .

  26. 你在下一手里会被将死。

    You will be checkmate in the next move .

  27. 一个将死的人的行为;一个人最后能做的事情。

    A person 's dying act ; the last thing a person can do .

  28. 白棋走棋,两步将对方将死。

    White to play and mate in two .

  29. 这确信我们将死。

    It is certain that we will die .

  30. 我还有两步就将死你了。

    I am two moves from checkmating you .