
  • 网络modern woman
  1. 她认为自己是个直截了当、不拖泥带水的现代女性。

    She saw herself as a direct , no-nonsense modern woman .

  2. 现代女性已经从许多压在旧时女性身上的责任中解放出来了。

    Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past .

  3. 衣物门襟简单、实用、容易打开,因为现代女性不依靠私人女佣来给自己穿衣。

    Closings were simple , practical , and accessible , as the modern woman depended on no personal maid to dress her .

  4. 21世纪,中国加入WTO也给现代女性参政议政带来新的机遇和挑战。

    In 21st , century , China 's entering WTO has created a lot of new chances and challenges for modern women 's participating in politics .

  5. Lovely是一款格调高雅,香味宜人,充满复古情调的香氛,适合时髦的现代女性。

    Making Lovely Perfume an elegant and charming perfume with vintage accents that are made for the chic modern women .

  6. 琳达梅森(LindaMason)是一位非凡的现代女性,不过她自己永远不会这么说。

    Though she would never say so , Linda Mason is a modern wonder woman .

  7. 中国版《Vogue》杂志的编辑张宇则表示:这是第一次中国第一夫人展现现代女性的形象。我觉得她的穿着非常得体,很有品味也很自信。

    It 's the first time that China 's first lady appears like a modern woman . I think she dressed very well , with taste and confidence , said Zhang Yu , editor of China 's Vogue magazine .

  8. 因为有时会有事情发生是好事但却没有未来你是位现代女性Rach忘了那个婚礼吧相信我现在我为了浪漫可以做任何事

    Because sometimes ... things come ... good things ... but there 's no future in them . You 're a modern woman , Rach . Forget the wedding . Believe me , I 'd do anything for some romance right now . Who cares what Daddy thinks ?

  9. 家:女性的悲剧&现代女性戏剧之悲剧论

    FAMILY : TRAGEDY FOR FEMALES & Tragicism in Modern Feminist Drama

  10. 这一文化思潮以三个不同的流派为代表:女性主义经验论、女性主义立场论和后现代女性主义。

    They are feminist empiricism 、 feminist standpoint and feminist postmodernism .

  11. 第三章,现代女性频道包装文字方案。

    Chapter III , the modern female channel program packaging text .

  12. 现代女性文学脉络中的苏青

    Su Qing in the Developmental Trend of Modern Women 's Literature

  13. 第二章论述了后现代女性主义的理论基础。

    The second chapter introduces the theoretical principle of Postmodern Feminism .

  14. 华顿了解现代女性的社会地位,作为一名女性作家,她通过细致入微的描述向读者展现了人物的内心世界。

    Wharton knew well the status of women in the modern society .

  15. 试论中国现代女性散文的文体自觉进程

    The Stylistic Consciousness Process of the Modern Chinese Female Prose

  16. 中国现代女性小说女性意识的发展

    The Development of Feminine Consciousness in Modern Chinese Feminine Novels

  17. 频道后期包装设计与实现&现代女性频道后期包装案例

    The Post-packaging Design of Channel and the Case of Mod-ern Female Channel

  18. 也许我展现了和许多现代女性相反的一面。

    Perhaps I illuminate the paradox many modern women face .

  19. 中国现代女性游记的文化精神

    The Cultural Meaning of Chinese Modern Travels by Female Authors

  20. 现代化与现代女性人格的塑造

    Modernization and the Building of the Qualities of Modern Women

  21. 现代女性到底是什么呢?

    Was that not what being a modern woman was all about ?

  22. 她作为现代女性的典范而受到赞美。

    She was lauded as a prime example of the modern woman .

  23. 现代女性角色定位与职业困惑浅析

    Preliminary Analysis on Roles of the Modern Female and Their Profession Embarrassment

  24. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:现代女性主义文学批评的先驱

    Virginia Woolf : A Precursor of Modern Feminist Literary Criticism

  25. 孤独与狂欢&现代女性生存的双重困境

    Carnival and Loneliness & The Dual Plight of Modern Women 's Living

  26. 第三章阐述了后现代女性主义课程观。

    The third chapter deals with the unique curriculum views of Postmodern Feminism .

  27. 她人场景:现代女性戏剧论

    Scenes of " The Female Other ": A Study of Modern Female Drama

  28. 现代女性生存景观的重新构筑&重读《长恨歌》

    Rebuilt Perspective of Modern Women Survival & Rereading " Chang Hen Ge ";

  29. 试论现代女性礼仪文化建设的走向

    Study on the Direction of Building the Modern Female Ceremony and Propriety Culture

  30. 其次,是西方现代女性观念的传播。

    Secondly , modern feminist idea disseminated to China .