
huǒ jiàn pào
  • rocket launcher;rocket gun;rocket projector
火箭炮 [huǒ jiàn pào]
  • [bazooka] 发射火箭弹的火炮。有多轨式、框架式和多管式。可一次发射一发至数十发火箭弹。发射速度快,火力猛,威力大,机动性能好。但射弹散布较大,发射时火光明显,阵地易暴露

  1. 舰载火箭炮以舰船为射击平台,会受到风、浪、流等各种因素的综合作用。舰船的摇摆影响了射击线的稳定,采用常规的PID控制往往不能达到理想的消摇摆稳定效果。

    Taking the ship as the firing platform , the ship-board rocket gun falls under the synthetical effects of wind , wave and stream , which influences the stability of the firing while the routine PID controller cannot be satisfactory to eliminate swing .

  2. JM-1火箭炮模拟训练机研制

    Development of a simulated training device for rocket gun

  3. 火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。

    Rockets , mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings .

  4. 基于BP网络的群射防空火箭炮变间隔研究

    Study on Variable Firing Interval of MRLS Using BP Neural Network

  5. 除了棒球手套,Day还收到了T恤、火箭炮人物主题抱枕。猜猜看还有什么?当然是一大堆泡泡糖了!

    Along with the baseball glove , Day also received t-shirts , a Bazooka Joe-themed pillow , and - you guessed it - plenty of bubble gum .

  6. 仿真与Bayes方法鉴定远程多管火箭炮射击精度

    Simulation and the Bayes Method Appraised the Firing Accuracy of Long-Range MLRS

  7. 基于PDA的某型火箭炮战场损伤评估研究

    Research on Assessment of Battlefield Damage by a Certain Rocket Launcher Based on PDA

  8. CMAC与PID的并行控制在火箭炮交流伺服系统中的应用

    Application of Compound Control Based on CMAC and PID in AC Servo System for Rocket Launcher

  9. 一种适用于火箭炮的IGBT高频整流电源研究

    Research on One Kind of IGBT High-frequency Rectification Power Source Suitable to Rocket Launchers

  10. 动力学的仿真表明BP网络优化的结果比较可靠,从而为确定群射防空火箭炮的发射间隔提供参考。

    The simulation of dynamical gives some evidence that optimization result credible , which can be referenced for the interval of the MRLS used in anti air-strike battle .

  11. 该系统在整体性能上非常接近于美国的C-RAM系统(即“反火箭炮、火炮和迫击炮”系统),但由于使用了天燕90导弹更使其防御范围扩大到了6公里。

    The system is likely to have a similar overall capability to the US C-RAM but with extended range thanks to the6km reach of the TY-90s .

  12. 火箭炮底架结构参数有限元计算分析

    The Structure Parameters Analysis of Rockets Launcher Based Finite Elements Calculation

  13. 大威力火箭炮对运动装甲目标射击效力研究

    Fire efficiency research for powerful rocket firing at moving armored target

  14. 火箭炮营通信仿真系统控制子系统的研究

    Research on control subsystem in simulation system of launcher rocket communication

  15. 用一致逼近技术评价多管火箭炮发射系统的方法

    Evaluation Method of Multiple Launcher Rocket System Based on Uniform Approximation

  16. 2枚火箭同时发射时火箭炮动态特性分析

    Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Rocket Launcher While Launching Double Rockets Simultaneously

  17. 某型远程多管火箭炮武器系统气象条件灰色预测

    Grey Forecast on Weather Condition of Certain Type Long-Rang Rocket System

  18. 远程多管火箭炮随动系统的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Follower System of Long-range Multibarrel Rocket Launcher

  19. 振动对火箭炮密集度影响研究

    Effects of launcher vibration upon the hitting dispersion of rockets

  20. 多管火箭炮底架结构参数的修改

    Modification of the Bottom Frame Structure Parameters of the Multiple-barrel Rocket Launcher

  21. 多管火箭炮系统发射动力学仿真研究

    The Study of Launching Dynamics Simulation for Multiple Rocket Launcher

  22. 某火箭炮定向器模态参数识别

    Modal parameter identification for the director of a rocket launcher

  23. 舰载火箭炮射击密集度分析

    Analysis on Density of Pattern of Shipboard Rocket Gun System

  24. 利用蒙特卡洛法评定火箭炮对岸射击效能

    Efficiency Evaluation Based on Monte Carlo for Missiles Ship-to-Shore Firing

  25. 某箱式多管火箭炮自动装填装置设计

    Design of Automatic Loading Mechanism for a Canister Multiple Launch Rocket System

  26. 多管火箭炮发射中的变结构问题

    The Variable Structure Problem of the Multitube Rocket Gun Systems

  27. 但愿我有手榴弹或是火箭炮。

    Wish I had some grenades or a rocket launcher .

  28. 而这是在以色列对加沙地带发动持续火箭炮攻击后开始的。

    That 's after continued rocket fire out of Gaza .

  29. 武装分子持有火箭炮和雪碧瓶做成的汽油弹。

    The militants had RPGs and petrol bombs made from Sprite bottles .

  30. 多管火箭炮发射间隔仿真研究

    Simulation Investigation for Launching Intervals of Multi-Rocket Launch System