
  • 网络rocket propulsion
  1. 一种应用机理模型和SOM神经网络的液体火箭推进系统实时故障诊断方法

    A Real-time Fault Diagnosis Approach to Liquid Rocket Propulsion Systems Using Mechanism Model and SOM Neural Networks

  2. 从SDI计划重点的转移看固体火箭推进技术的应用前景

    Application Prospects of Solid Rocket Propulsion Technology Seeing through the Adjusted SDI Program

  3. 本文报道了用来制作近代火箭推进技术中夹心件(Sandwich)的NH4ClO4大单晶的生长。

    This paper reports the growth of NH_4ClO_4 large single crystal used as sandwich in rocket propeller technology .

  4. 他们带着火箭推进榴弹发射器、AK-47和防空机枪(加入义军)。

    They took rocket-propelled grenade launchers , AK-47s and anti-aircraft guns .

  5. 本文针对液体火箭推进系统中的Pogo振动现象提出了一种非线性的仿真方法。

    A nonlinear model is studied in this paper on the simulation of Pogo vibrations in liquid rockets .

  6. 为了解决液体火箭推进系统实时故障诊断的问题,提出了一种应用故障机理模型和SOM(Self-organizingmapping)神经网络的实时故障诊断方法。

    In order to real time diagnose the failures of liquid rocket propulsion systems , a real time fault diagnosis approach using mechanism model and SOM ( Self organizing Mapping ) neural networks is put forward .

  7. 维珍银河CEO乔治•怀特赛兹(GeorgeWhitesides)否认了这些指控,并表示,该公司考虑到了最新火箭推进系统的风险,同时宣称新的宇宙飞船可能会在明年建成飞行。

    The head of the company rejected accusations that it had taken risks with its novel rocket propulsion system and said that it could have a new spacecraft ready to fly next year .

  8. NBC上周宣布威廉姆斯无薪停职半年,此前他承认自己曾误称在2003年伊拉克战争期间,他所乘的直升机被一枚火箭推进榴弹击中。

    NBC this week suspended Mr Williams for six months without pay after he admitted that he had mistakenly claimed to be aboard a helicopter struck by a rocket-propelled grenade in 2003 during the Iraq war .

  9. 中国EM52型(也即是特-1)是一种潜水艇放置快速-上浮火箭推进沉底水雷。

    The EM52 ( also known as T-1 ) is a submarine-laid fast-rising rocket-propelled bottom mine .

  10. 鱼-2型是苏联RAT-52型空射、固体燃料火箭推进反舰鱼雷的一种中国仿造型。

    The Yu-2 is a Chinese copy of the Soviet RAT-52 air-launched , solid-fuel rocket-propelled , anti-ship torpedo .

  11. 威廉姆斯在他的新闻节目中表示,那名军士长曾在伊拉克的一次危险情况中保护了他。我们乘坐的直升机被一枚RPG击中,随后迫降,这里的RPG指的是火箭推进榴弹。

    Williams suggested on his newscast that the sergeant had protected him from a dangerous situation in Iraq , when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG , referring to a rocket-propelled grenade .

  12. 近年固体火箭推进技术发展趋势

    A Review of the Recent Advancements of Solid Rocket Propulsion Technology

  13. 小推力液体火箭推进系统脉冲工况数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Pulse Operation for Small Thrust Liquid Rocket Propulsion System

  14. 基于电火箭推进的地-月轨道转移自主导航研究

    Autonomous Navigation for Earth-Moon Orbital Transfer Based on Electric Propulsion

  15. 液体火箭推进系统液路固有频率计算

    The calculation of the intrinsic frequency of the liquid rocket propulsion system

  16. 哈马斯武装人员用火箭推进榴弹和枪支迎击以色列军队。

    Hamas fighters engaged Israeli troops with rocket propelled grenades and gunfire .

  17. 论述了液体火箭推进系统的通用模型。

    This paper describes a generalized model for characterizing liquid propulsion system .

  18. 气门的电镦技术电火箭推进的空间探测器

    Electric Upset Forging of Valve The Spacecraft Used Electric Rocket as Primary Propulsion

  19. 液体火箭推进系统故障过程建模与仿真研究

    Modeling and simulations of the failure process for liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems

  20. 液体火箭推进系统性能分析计算的通用模型

    A generalized model for performance analysis and calculation of liquid rocket propulsion system

  21. 激光等离子体推进在火箭推进技术领域的应用前景

    Prospective application of laser plasma propulsion in rocket technology

  22. 一种火箭推进系统非线性动态神经网络模型

    Nonlinear dynamic neural network model for rocket propulsion systems

  23. 因此,水基火箭推进系统在未来的空间应用中具有巨大的发展潜力。

    So , water based propulsion system is promising in the future space applications .

  24. 电火箭推进的空间探测器电火箭的研究现状与应用分析

    The Spacecraft Used Electric Rocket as Primary Propulsion

  25. 未来空间运载火箭推进系统的发展展望

    Prospects for the development of future space vehicle

  26. 本文介绍了固体火箭推进技术的发展趋势;

    In this paper , the trends of solid rocket propulsion technology are discussed .

  27. 小型卫星的固体火箭推进系统

    A solid rocket propulsion for small satellites

  28. 液体运载火箭推进系统固有频率的通用化计算研究

    Study on General Calculation of Natural Frequency for Liquid Engine Flow System in Launch Vehicle

  29. 流场控制以及基于此的发动机推力方向控制长期以来都是国内外火箭推进领域广大工程技术人员追寻的目标之一。

    Thrust Vector control is one of objects being seeked by engineers in rocket propulsion area .

  30. 早在40年代初,一名德国设计师就曾提出了火箭推进航天飞机的设想。

    A german designer developed the idea for a rocket-propelled aerospace plane in the early 1940s .