
  • 网络SKYLAB;sky lab
  1. 天空实验室超出了地球引力的范围。

    Skylab was beyond the reach of Earth 's gravity .

  2. 贵方吸引外资包括哪些范围?天空实验室超出了地球引力的范围。

    What do your absorption of foreign capital cover ? Skylab was beyond the reach of Earth 's gravity .

  3. 1979年,天空实验室的多块大型残骸坠落在澳大利亚一个偏远的地区,结果NASA被埃斯佩兰斯郡(Esperance)罚了400澳元,罪名是乱丢杂物。

    In 1979 , large segments of Skylab crashed to earth in a remote part of Australia , prompting the shire of Esperance to fine Nasa A $ 400 for littering .

  4. 可能发生的失控坠落,让人回想起了1979年美国国家航空航天局(NASA)首座太空实验室天空实验室(Skylab)重入大气层那件事。在坠回地球之前的几周里,那次重入引发了媒体的疯狂关注。

    The possibility of an uncontrolled descent is reminiscent of the 1979 re-entry of Skylab , Nasa 's first space laboratory , that generated a storm of media attention in the weeks before it crashed to earth .

  5. 后来,天空实验室又继续在轨道上飞行了五年多。

    Skylab continued to orbit for five more years .

  6. 但是,从太空用天空实验室的望远镜就能够看得一清二楚。

    From space , Skylab 's telescopes would be able to see very clearly .

  7. 来自美国宇航局的天空实验室和几个不载人的卫星的数据得到彻底研究。

    Data from the NASA Skylab project and several unmanned satellites are thoroughly analysed .