
tiān wén dìnɡ wèi
  • Astronomical positioning;astro fix
  1. 极区航行天文定位的方法利用GPS船位解算天文航海的有关问题

    Celestial Navigation in Polar Regions The new method for calculating the problems of celestial navigation with GPS receiver and its position

  2. 为了有效的提高目标星象的天文定位精度,CCD观测图像的亚象素级高精度质心定位技术的研究至关重要。

    In order to effectively improve the precision of the astronomical determination of space target , sub-pixel positioning technology research is very important for CCD exploration images .

  3. 组合导航系统天文定位中天体位置的长期计算法

    A Long period Algorithm of Celestial Body Positions in the Integrated Navigation System

  4. 双曲船位线在天文定位中的应用

    Application of Hyperbolic Position Line in the Celestial Fixing

  5. 基于遗传算法的最佳天文定位星座组合

    Optimal celestial positioning constellation combination based on genetic algorithm

  6. 大视场天文定位系统多星同步检测算法研究与实现

    Research and realizing of mutil-stars syn-examining algorithm in wide field of view celestial positing

  7. 天文定位和天测罗经差的微型计算机算法

    Microcomputer Algorithm of Astronomical Fixing and Compass Errors

  8. 论述了天文定位的最优估计方法及其精度。

    This paper describes an optimal estimating method for the celestial positioning and its accuracy .

  9. 天文定位是一门利用天体在海上进行定位的技术。

    Astronomical positioning is the technology taking advantage of celestial objects positioning on the sea .

  10. 全天候天文定位系统研究

    Study on All-weather Astronomical Positioning System

  11. 一种天文定位的计算方法

    A New Celestial Fixing Method

  12. 其船位精度较传统的一般天文定位的精度要高。

    The accuracy of the position obtained by this method is higher than that of the traditional celestial fixing .

  13. 针对迭代解析高度差法的缺点,提出了一种非迭代的月球车天文定位方法。

    Aiming at the shortcomings for the iterative method , we propose a novel non-iterative method for lunar rover positioning .

  14. 论述了基于最优估计理论的天文定位方法中天体高度测量精度与定位精度的关系。

    Discussed the relationship between the altitude accuracy observed and accuracy of celestial positioning based on the optimal estimating method .

  15. 考虑到天文定位对高度不可观测,设计了高度辅助的惯性/天文位置组合导航系统。

    For height has non-observation in astronomical position , height aided INS / CNS position integrated navigation system was designed .

  16. 论述了在海上进行天文定位时以重力线作基准直接测定天体顶距的原理和方法。

    The paper expounds the principle and the method of measuring zenith distance for celestial positioning based on the direction of gravitational force line .

  17. 本文是将天文定位算法与计算机技术,传感器技术与六分仪改进相融合所形成的一个较新的研究方向。

    This paper is a relatively new research direction formed the astronomical positioning algorithm with computer technology , sensor technology with the improvement of sextant .

  18. 近十几年来,自卫星导航仪较为普遍地被各类船舶装备和使用后,不少船舶驾驶员已置天文定位于不顾之境地。

    As satellite navigation aids became widely used on vessels in the past few decades , many officers have neglected the traditional practice of celestial fixing .

  19. 基于星敏感器的天文定位系统具有抗电磁干扰、隐蔽性好、可靠性高等优点,因而是一种极具应用价值的定位系统。

    The Celestial Positioning System based on star sensor is a very valuable positioning system because of its advantages of anti-electromagnetic interference , good hidden performance and high reliability .

  20. 利用计算机完成天文定位中的太阳赤经、赤纬、太阳格林时角、春分点格林时角、测者地方时角的计算。

    How to complete the calculation of sun declination , sun right ascension , sun greenwich hour angle , greenwich hour angle of aries and sun local hour angle in Astronomical Position .

  21. 应用结果表明,应用遗传算法进行最佳星座组合改变了传统的天文定位选星模式,真正实现天文导航自动化。

    The results show that the model can select optimal stars combination , change the tradition celestial positioning constellation selection way , realize automatic celestial positioning . 1 tab , 2 figs , 8 refs .

  22. 特别是对于各种空间飞行器的天文实时定位能提供一个精确而快速的参考坐标系统。

    Especially , It can rapid by provide a precise reference coordinate system for the astronomical orientation of various space vehicles at real time .

  23. 研究结果表明,本系统的设计方案和数学模型合理有效,为解决天文导航的定位精度和自动化两个方面的难题提供了新的思路和重要的参考。

    The research results show that the design scheme and the mathematical model are reasonable and effective , which provide a new clew and reference to settle the problems such as accuracy and automation of the celestial navigation .

  24. 航海计算法求天文船位的精度评定天文定位的最优估计方法及其应用

    Accuracy analysis on celestial fixing by calculation An Optimal Estimating Method for Celestial Positioning and Its Application