
  • 网络Tianmen Mountain
  1. 和该地区建立的第一座玻璃底桥拥抱天门山悬崖的人行天桥相比,它可能不是第一座玻璃桥,但有望成为世界上最长最高的玻璃底桥。

    This isnt the regions first towering glass floor a glass skywalk hugs the cliff of Tianmen Mountain but the Grand Canyon instalment is expected to be the longest and tallest glass-bottomed bridge in the world .

  2. 天门山旅游市场的调查与开拓

    Investigation and opening up of the tourist market in Tianmen Mountain

  3. 张家界天门山玻璃栈道会更加刺激。

    Even more terrifying is the Tianmenshan crystal glass skywalk in Zhangjiajie .

  4. 天门山国家森林公园野生花卉资源调查及其园林应用

    Study on the Investigation , Exploitation and Utilization of Wild Flower Resources in Tianmen Mountain

  5. 2006年,天门山再次上演新的传奇。

    Another legend was on in2006 .

  6. 首次对天门山旅游市场进行了问卷调查。

    This paper is the first investigation of the tourist market in Tianmen Mountain by using questionnaires .

  7. 对天门山的开发应进行科学的规划,开发出符合天门山资源特点和对旅游者具有吸引力的产品。

    We should carry on a scientific plan for the development of Tianmen Mountain and attractive tourist products .

  8. 天门山,张家界最早被记入史册的名山,海拔1518.6米,距市区仅8公里,是张家界最具代表性的自然景观之一。

    Tianmen Mountain , a famous mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie , has an elevation of1518.6 meters .

  9. 正是这些奇景,激发来自世界各国的极限运动高手,在张家界天门山一次次完成不可思议的挑战奇迹;

    It is those wonders inspired extreme sports player from all over the world to finish incredible challenges in Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain .

  10. 张家界市城南拔地擎天的天门山,是世界上最独特的喀斯特高山台地。

    Tianmen mountain , which is the world 's most unique karst mountain platform , lies in the south of Zhangjiajie City .

  11. 周六,一场特殊的飞行表演在湖南上空,世界著名的翼装飞行表演正在张家界的天门山着。

    A special flying show takes place Saturday over in Hunan world-renowned wingsuit flights are getting ready the performance in Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie .

  12. 杰布上午首先以天门山索道轿厢为起跳点,最终在飞行了两分钟左右之后顺利的着陆在预定地点。

    In the morning , Jeb jumped from the lift car of ropeway and arrived at the expected landing spot after flying for about two minutes .

  13. 为了这次冒险活动,罗伯特提前数天来到了位于湖南省张家界旅游胜地的天门山地区。

    To prepare for this new venture , Robert arrived several days earlier at the Tianmen Mountain at the tourism hotspot of Zhangjiajie in central China 's Hunan province .

  14. 位于1518米高的天门山上的这段峭壁因沿着山体向外伸展而攀爬难度极大。为防止从山崖上掉下,攀岩者须付出更多的艰辛。

    The cliff of the1,518-meter-high mountain is more challenging than buildings since its angles can be more than vertical and climbers would have to use more energy to prevent falling .

  15. 1999年,世界瞩目的“张家界世界特技飞行大赛”,在天门山实现了人类首次驾机穿越自然山洞的壮举。“穿越天门”的挑战奇迹至今仍令无数人记忆犹新。

    In1999 , world-noted Zhangjiajie World Aerobatics Competition was held in Tianmen Mountain , which was the first achievement of human flight through natural cave , still make countless people remember .

  16. 画家采用俯视聚焦,用线条和色块描绘了天门山的巍峨壮丽,重在壮写天门山的神韵。

    The painter adopted the focus of overlook , portrayed the grandness and significance of Heavenly Gate Mountain with lines and colors , and mainly described the verve of the mountain .

  17. 年,法国冒险家、蜘蛛人阿兰·罗伯特,在天门山进行了其冒险生涯中风险最大的一次挑战,徒手无保护攀爬天门洞百米岩壁成功,上演了一场令人惊叹的“绝壁芭蕾”。

    In2007 , french adventurer spiderman Alan Robert took one of his biggest risky challenge to climb the cliff of the Hole without protection , performed a rock success as an amazing a precipice ballet .