
  • 网络Soyuz
  1. 2004年,只有两次飞行:两次俄罗斯联盟号飞船飞行至国际空间站。

    In 2004 , there were only two flights : two Russian Soyuz flights to the international manned station .

  2. 现在航天飞机计划已经归档,俄国的联盟号飞船是否将开始同样的杯具?

    Now that the shuttle program has been archived , will the Russian Soyuz shuttles begin to have the same grief ?

  3. 建立了伞舱系统刚性连接和弹性连接时的数学模型,针对联盟号飞船回收系统进行了动力学仿真。

    The model of the parachute-cabin system was built with the riser being of rigidity or elasticity , which was applied for simulating the system of Soyuz .

  4. 在那之前,美国航天局将支付俄罗斯7.5亿美元,为其向国际空间站运送宇航员和补给购买12次搭乘联盟号飞船的往返费用。

    Until then , NASA will pay Russia $ 750 million for a dozen round trip seats aboard the Soyuz spacecraft to ferry astronauts and supplies to the International Space Station .

  5. 据俄罗斯地面飞行控制中心消息,首个“太空小丑”、加拿大马戏团富翁盖-拉利伯特于周日安全返回地球,乘坐俄罗斯联盟号飞船降落在哈萨克斯坦境内。

    The first clown in space , Canadian circus tycoon Guy Laliberte , arrived safely back on earth Sunday touching down in a Russian Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan , the Russian mission control centre said .

  6. 星期三清晨,运载凯利、科尔尼延科和另一名俄罗斯宇航员沃尔科夫的俄罗斯联盟号飞船在天寒地冻的哈萨克斯坦平原地带安全着陆。在此3小时前,联盟号飞船从国际空间站起航。

    A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Kelly and Kornienko and a second Russian cosmonaut , Sergey Volkov , made a soft landing on the frozen steppes of Kazakhstan early Wednesday morning , three hours after separating from the International Space Station .

  7. 联盟号宇宙飞船出现在图片的左下方。

    The Soyuz spacecraft appears at the bottom left .

  8. 同时,这是福特第一次乘坐俄罗斯“联盟”号飞船前往国际空间站。

    At the same time , this is Ford 's first travel to the ISS with a Russian Soyuz rocket .

  9. 俄罗斯一艘联盟号宇宙飞船安全着陆于哈萨克斯坦,将三名宇航员从国际空间站带回地球。

    Russian Soyuz spacecraft has landed safely in Kazakhstan , bringing three crew members back from the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  10. 3年前,为了顺利向马来西亚出售价值9亿美元的俄罗斯造战斗机,俄罗斯特别提出将免费为马来西亚提供一次乘坐“联盟”号飞船进入太空的机会。

    Russia offered Malaysia a free trip into space aboard a Soyuz spacecraft three years ago to sweeten the $ 900-million sale of Russian-made fighter planes .

  11. 但是到4月4号,另外3名宇航员将搭载联盟号宇宙飞船登上宇宙空间站,那时,空间站上的成员就增加到6名了。

    However , the research vessel will expand to a 6-member crew on 4th , April , after 3 others arrive on board the Soyuz space craft .

  12. 空间探险公司计划重新设计自身的联盟号宇宙飞船,该飞船曾经把7位旅客送进国际航空站。

    Space Adventures plans to re-engineer the veteran Soyuz craft that it has used to shuttle seven space tourists up to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  13. 阿拉巴马州和新奥尔良州(联盟号宇宙飞船的前方)都出现在这张拍摄于“圆顶”观测舱的照片。

    Mobile , Alabama , as well as New Orleans ( just above the Soyuz spacecraft in front of it ) show up well in this shot taken from the Cupola .

  14. 由于美国航天局暂停了航天计划,一直到今年年底,俄罗斯将使用一次性的“联盟号”飞船想向空间站运送宇航员。

    Russia will ferry all crews to the ISS aboard its single-use Soyuz vehicles after the US Space Agency ( NASA ) mothballs its shuttle fleet by the end of this year .

  15. 带着快乐释然的微笑,两名宇航员(一名来自美国,一名来自俄罗斯)从国际宇宙空间站安全返航。俄罗斯任务控制中心称,联盟号宇宙飞船按计划在哈萨克斯坦北部着陆。

    Smiles of happiness and relief , as a US astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut return safely to earth from the International Space Station . Russia 's Mission Conrol said the Soyuz space capsule landed in Northern Kazakhstan as planned .

  16. 直到美国商用飞机公司建造出能够载人的宇宙飞船,美国计划为俄罗斯提供资金,使用“联盟号”宇宙飞船将美国宇航员送上太空。

    Until U.S. commercial firms build spaceships carrying humans , America plans to pay Russia to ferry U.S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft .