
lián hé wánɡ ɡuó
  • the United Kingdom;UK
  1. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。

    The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

  2. 联合王国(UnitedKingdom)是史上最成功的联姻之一。

    The United Kingdom ranks as one of the most successful marriages in history .

  3. UK是联合王国的简略形式。

    UK is short for the United Kingdom .

  4. 联合王国议会将运行“统一福利”(Universalcredit)——英国问题多多的旗舰福利政策,这可能不利于苏格兰减少失业的努力。

    Universal credit , the UK 's foundering flagship welfare policy , will be run from Westminster and may work against Scottish efforts to reduce unemployment .

  5. TheUK指的是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,它由四个国家组成,英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰。

    The UK means the United Kingdom , which is comprised of 4 different countries , England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland .

  6. 关于技术转让,它同意联合王国ip权利委员会“合并知识产权与发展”报告中的意见。

    On transfer of technology , it shared the views of the United Kingdom Commission on IP rights in its report entitled " integrating intellectual property rights and development " .

  7. 因此,这次独立公投正在迫使snp对联合王国让步,同时推动统派政党进一步放权。

    So the referendum is forcing the SNP to make concessions to the union , while pushing unionists towards further devolution .

  8. 但是这一国名对于人们来说它太拗口了,于是人们就称它为大不列颠或者联合王国又或者简单如U。

    But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country , so people just say Britain , the United Kingdom or simply U.

  9. 英国联合王国的国家临床杰出协会的指南推荐CRT治疗新发或永久的中重度症状者。

    Guidelines from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence in the United Kingdom recommend CRT for patients with moderate or severe symptoms that either recent or persistent .

  10. 目前在欧洲区域流行的主要基因型为D4,这与2008年在联合王国流行的基因型相同。

    The predominant genotype currently circulating in the European Region is D4 , the same endemic genotype from the United Kingdom in2008 .

  11. 我加入联合王国国际发展部国务大臣HilaryBenn的呼吁,呼吁其它国家仿效联合王国的表率,提供直至2008年所需的资金。

    I join UK International Development Secretary Hilary Benn in a call to others to follow the UK 's lead in providing the funding needed through to2008 .

  12. 今年,世卫组织欢迎启动UNITAID,即巴西、法国、智利、挪威和联合王国建立的国际药品采购机制。

    This year , WHO welcomed the launch of UNITAID , the International Drug Purchase Facility established by Brazil , Chile , France , Norway and the United Kingdom .

  13. 联合王国政府,1961年发布朱方译。

    Published by the government of the United kingdom , 1961 .

  14. 这是一张英联合王国或英国的地图。

    This is a map of the United Kingdom or the U.K.

  15. 英国$大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国

    United Kingdom $ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  16. 她为联合王国多数农场主所切骨痛恨。

    She is cordially hated by most farmers in the uk .

  17. 联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。

    There is no single legal system in the United Kingdom .

  18. 联合王国有不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。

    The great kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

  19. 居港联合王国本土人北美洲的本地人或居民。

    Resident United Kingdom belonger a native or inhabitant of North America .

  20. 在联合王国,没有统一的模式。

    In the United Kingdom there is no consistent pattern .

  21. 执委〔互助委员会〕联合王国会计机构协商委员会理事会

    Council of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies in the United Kingdom

  22. 眼下,联合王国的完整仍面临威胁。

    Today , the integrity of the United Kingdom remains at stake .

  23. 英国人出了联合王国就是外国人。

    An Englishman is a foreigner outside the United Kingdom .

  24. 联合王国与欧洲大陆之间的海上交通停止了。

    Sea traffic between the United Kingdom and the continent was halted .

  25. 不大列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。

    The united kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland .

  26. 大臣认为联合王国各财团之间的竞争是一种浪费。

    The minister considered that competition between the UK consortia was wasteful .

  27. 在联合王国,一种征兵制长期有效。

    In the U.K. a kind of conscription was long in force .

  28. 联合王国和苏联关于防止核武器扩散的联合宣言

    Joint United Kingdom-Soviet Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

  29. 联合王国医疗化验学会高级会士

    Fellow of the United Kingdom Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences

  30. 苏格兰独立可能会导致联合王国的瓦解。

    Scottish independence could lead to a break-up of the United Kingdom .