
  • 网络federal building;Federation Tower
  1. 在联邦大厦里,“将军”正与欧伦会面。

    Back at the federal building , Pad Man comes to meet with Oren .

  2. 位于威斯顿联邦大厦的办公室,是其西部营销及服务中心。

    The office located at Chengdu Western Tower , is its marketing and service center for West China .

  3. 它引以为豪的还有1018英尺高的联邦银行大厦,密西西比河西岸最高的建筑。

    It also boasts the tallest building west of the Mississippi River in the 1018 foot US Bank Tower .

  4. 因为它位于联邦政府的大厦中,里瑟先生。

    Because it 's located in a federally owned building , Mr. Reese .