
  • volcanic theory
  1. 火山专家说,星期五的火山喷发是自1870年代以来最大的一次。

    Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the1870s .

  2. 穆雷博士的团队强调,目前没有证据表明这种情况会在埃特纳火山发生,但说在未来时间里,需密切关注火山滑动的情况。

    Dr Murray 's team stress there is no evidence that this is about to happen at Etna , but say the slide will need close attention in the years ahead .

  3. “这不会是别的,是座活火山”,他说。

    It cannot be anything but a volcano in a state of eruption , said he .

  4. 还有一些翻腾和扭动则是关系到地震和火山活动,不用说还包括异常的天气模式。

    And some of these writhings and twistings are related to earthquake and volcanic activity , as well as aberrant weather patterns .