- 网络PETRA;Patra

I looked through a friend 's photos from a trip to Petra , Jordan , and the 3D sight of him riding a camel through a rock valley was spectacular .
Petra : Oh , I didn 't factor in time zones !
Our cats are even named Mark Anthony and Cleopatra .
Petra : Yeah , but I 'm not sure I 'm ready .
Owners of The Petra Island , However , denied about the deal .
Petra : it 's OK if he comes , right , zack ?
Petra : That would be great .
Ewan : Who 's running the videoconference next week ? Petra : I am .
Petra : I was hoping to lurk in the background in case something went wrong .
South Dakota 's Mount Rushmore replacing the world famous ' red city ' of Petra in Jordan
This place had once served as a trade link between South Arabia and Petra and had once been the center of civilization .
Petra won the opportunity to model " swimsuits " for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in2002 , which was her second appearance in the magazine .
Gaston Monescu : If Casanova suddenly turned out to be Romeo having supper with Juliet , who might become Cleopatra , how would you start ?
The Romans took control of Petra before being passed through countless hands until it was completely forgotten about by everyone except a handful of local Arabs .
Petra Diamonds announced its discovery of what may very well be the largest blue diamond to ever be unearthed at the Cullinan mine in South Africa .
Petra 's original cottage was erected in 1950 , while its larger property was built from one of Wright 's blueprints in 2008 - 48-years after his death .
The site at petra , Jordan is fourth . it 's famous for its138-foot tall temple , tunnels , water chambers , and amphitheater , all carved out of rose-colored rocks .
Petra was eventually abandoned , and it stood for years in the desert as something of a curiosity before being revealed to the world at large in 1812 by a Swiss explorer .
The couple went public with their relationship during a visit to Disneyland Paris , and they carried out their brief but highly publicized courtship in such places as the ruins of Petra , Jordan .
Arguably the most beautiful of all the cities on this list , Petra is located in Jordan near the Dead Sea and is believed to have once been the center of the Nabataean caravan trade .
Turns out Cleopatra played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .
In Antony and Cleopatra , Cleopatra recalls her relationship with Julius Caesar that occurred during , " My salad days , / When I was green in judgment .... " ( Act 1 , Scene 5 )
Turns out Cleopatra - played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 - had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .
PETRA , JORDAN : This ancient city was the capital of the Arab kingdom of the Nabateans , a center of caravan trade , and continued to flourish under Roman rule after the Nabateans ' defeat in A.D.106 .
The other five are Petra in jordan , peru 's Machu picchu , the mountain settlement that symbolises the Incan empire , mexico 's Mayan ruins at Chichen itza , the Colosseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in india .
But since reports about the apparent interest of Angelina Jolie in the 11-acre American island of Petra , we have realised thanks to all the phone calls we have been getting that there is a lot of potential for our island to be used as a wedding destination .
This helped make Petra a naturally fortified city when it was established as a capital in 100 B.C. , and evidence suggests that it featured many other technological advancements like dams and cisterns , which helped the inhabitants channel the region 's flash floods and store water for use in times of drought .
When we talk about how our days went when we are relaxing at home with Marc Anthony and Cleopatra , it 's always interesting for us to hear how different , yet similar , our experiences are , from the tales of ROMIO 's site development to the steady build of Juliette 's client base .