
  • 网络PETRA;Patra
  1. 我浏览了一位朋友去约旦佩特拉旅行的照片,他骑着骆驼穿越岩石峡谷的3D场景真是太壮观了。

    I looked through a friend 's photos from a trip to Petra , Jordan , and the 3D sight of him riding a camel through a rock valley was spectacular .

  2. 佩特拉:啊,我没有考虑时区的因素!

    Petra : Oh , I didn 't factor in time zones !

  3. 我们甚至还给家里的猫也起名为马克o安东尼和克里欧佩特拉。

    Our cats are even named Mark Anthony and Cleopatra .

  4. 佩特拉:是呀,但我不知道自己准备好了没有。

    Petra : Yeah , but I 'm not sure I 'm ready .

  5. 然而,佩特拉岛的现有主人否认了这比买卖。

    Owners of The Petra Island , However , denied about the deal .

  6. 佩特拉:他一起来没关系的,对不对,扎克?

    Petra : it 's OK if he comes , right , zack ?

  7. 佩特拉:那太好了。

    Petra : That would be great .

  8. 尤恩:下个星期谁要举行视频会议?佩特拉:我。

    Ewan : Who 's running the videoconference next week ? Petra : I am .

  9. 佩特拉:我会躲在幕后,以防出错。

    Petra : I was hoping to lurk in the background in case something went wrong .

  10. 南达科他州的拉什莫尔山代替位于乔丹的世界著名红城佩特拉

    South Dakota 's Mount Rushmore replacing the world famous ' red city ' of Petra in Jordan

  11. 此地曾经充当阿拉伯南部和佩特拉古城的贸易联络之所,一度成为文明中心。

    This place had once served as a trade link between South Arabia and Petra and had once been the center of civilization .

  12. 佩特拉赢得了机会模式“泳衣”体育画报泳装在2002年发行,这是她第二次出现在该杂志。

    Petra won the opportunity to model " swimsuits " for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in2002 , which was her second appearance in the magazine .

  13. 如果卡萨诺瓦突然变成罗密欧,和朱丽叶共进晚餐,谁会成为克利欧佩特拉,你觉得先上什么?

    Gaston Monescu : If Casanova suddenly turned out to be Romeo having supper with Juliet , who might become Cleopatra , how would you start ?

  14. 罗马人在之前通过无数的手被通过了佩特拉控制,直到它完全除一所当地阿拉伯人少数人遗忘。

    The Romans took control of Petra before being passed through countless hands until it was completely forgotten about by everyone except a handful of local Arabs .

  15. 佩特拉钻石公司近日宣布,他们在南非库利南钻石矿发现了一颗很有可能是迄今为止最大的蓝钻石。

    Petra Diamonds announced its discovery of what may very well be the largest blue diamond to ever be unearthed at the Cullinan mine in South Africa .

  16. 佩特拉原有的平房建于1950年,而其中较大的一座建于2008年,是在赖特去世48年后按其图纸建造的。

    Petra 's original cottage was erected in 1950 , while its larger property was built from one of Wright 's blueprints in 2008 - 48-years after his death .

  17. 约旦佩特拉遗址位于第四。它以138英尺高的神殿、隧道、蓄水池、和竞技场闻名,所有的建筑都是在玫瑰色的岩石上开凿而成的。

    The site at petra , Jordan is fourth . it 's famous for its138-foot tall temple , tunnels , water chambers , and amphitheater , all carved out of rose-colored rocks .

  18. 佩特拉最后被遗弃了,它在沙漠中伫立了数年,在1812年被瑞士探险家完全公诸于世之前都是令人好奇的存在。

    Petra was eventually abandoned , and it stood for years in the desert as something of a curiosity before being revealed to the world at large in 1812 by a Swiss explorer .

  19. 之后,两人前往约旦的佩特拉古城等地游玩,他们的关系进展神速,并受到广泛关注。

    The couple went public with their relationship during a visit to Disneyland Paris , and they carried out their brief but highly publicized courtship in such places as the ruins of Petra , Jordan .

  20. 佩特拉可能是这份名单上最美的一座城市,它位于约旦,靠近死海,被认为曾是纳巴泰人商业贸易的中心。

    Arguably the most beautiful of all the cities on this list , Petra is located in Jordan near the Dead Sea and is believed to have once been the center of the Nabataean caravan trade .

  21. 原来克丽奥佩特拉(1963年被伊丽莎白Ÿ泰勒形象地演绎过)除凯撒和安东尼之外还另有情史:西弗断言她和自己的两个哥哥结过婚,后来又残杀了他们。

    Turns out Cleopatra played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .

  22. 一个人的青春年少时光在《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》中,克莉奥佩特拉回忆起她与凯撒的那一段感情在“我青春年少的时光,我还不太会看人的时候…”(第1幕第5场)

    In Antony and Cleopatra , Cleopatra recalls her relationship with Julius Caesar that occurred during , " My salad days , / When I was green in judgment .... " ( Act 1 , Scene 5 )

  23. 原来克丽奥佩特拉(1963年被伊丽莎白·泰勒形象地演绎过)除凯撒和安东尼之外还另有情史:西弗断言她和自己的两个哥哥结过婚,后来又残杀了他们。

    Turns out Cleopatra - played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 - had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony : Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers , then slaughtered both .

  24. 佩特拉古城(约旦):这个古老城市曾经是阿拉伯纳巴泰王国的首都,商队贸易的中心。公元106年,纳巴泰人战败后该市在罗马人的统治下不断繁荣。

    PETRA , JORDAN : This ancient city was the capital of the Arab kingdom of the Nabateans , a center of caravan trade , and continued to flourish under Roman rule after the Nabateans ' defeat in A.D.106 .

  25. 其它五大奇迹为约旦佩特拉古城、秘鲁印加遗址马丘比丘、墨西哥尤卡塔半岛上的奇琴伊查、罗马竞技场和印度泰姬陵。

    The other five are Petra in jordan , peru 's Machu picchu , the mountain settlement that symbolises the Incan empire , mexico 's Mayan ruins at Chichen itza , the Colosseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in india .

  26. 但是自从有报道称朱莉对美国一个11英亩的佩特拉心形岛很感兴趣之后,我们意识到心形岛完全可以成为一个举办婚礼的理想场所。

    But since reports about the apparent interest of Angelina Jolie in the 11-acre American island of Petra , we have realised thanks to all the phone calls we have been getting that there is a lot of potential for our island to be used as a wedding destination .

  27. 这使得佩特拉在公元前100年作为首府修建时即成为一个天生的坚固要塞,还有证据显示它有许多其他的技术进步,例如大坝和蓄水池,这帮助了居民们导开这个地区的洪水并在干旱时储水。

    This helped make Petra a naturally fortified city when it was established as a capital in 100 B.C. , and evidence suggests that it featured many other technological advancements like dams and cisterns , which helped the inhabitants channel the region 's flash floods and store water for use in times of drought .

  28. 每当在家休息时,我们总会在马克o安东尼和克里欧佩特拉陪伴下,谈论那些逝去的往事。从罗密欧的网站发展历程,到朱丽叶客户群的稳固增长,聆听我们迥然不同,但又似曾相似的经历,是一件很有意思的事情。

    When we talk about how our days went when we are relaxing at home with Marc Anthony and Cleopatra , it 's always interesting for us to hear how different , yet similar , our experiences are , from the tales of ROMIO 's site development to the steady build of Juliette 's client base .