
gā lí jī
  • a chicken curry;Curry Chicken;curried chicken
  1. 怎能一个爽字了得!谢谢收看本期“一刻钟烹饪咖喱鸡”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Cook A Chicken Curry In Ten Minutes

  2. 游客还可以品尝到日式寿司和克什米尔咖喱鸡。

    Visitors will also be able to dig into Japanese sushi and Kashmiri chicken curry .

  3. 咖喱鸡饭非常可口。

    The chicken curried with rice is very good .

  4. 嗯,今天的特色莱是咖喱鸡。

    Well , the special today is chicken curry .

  5. 在一个印度餐厅一份咖喱鸡饭花了我们三十元.我妈妈经常和邻居一起去超市购物。

    Chicken curry and rice costs us about thirty yuan in an Indian restaurant .

  6. 玛莎拉咖喱鸡块好吃吗

    Did you enjoy your chicken tikka masala ?

  7. 一道咖喱鸡、牛肉等

    A chicken , beef , etc curry

  8. 人民可爱动人、海滩令人沉醉、绿咖喱鸡妙不可言。

    The people are lovely , the beaches divine and the green chicken curry outstanding .

  9. 备注:这款红咖喱鸡翼可预先做好,食用前翻热即可。

    Notes : You may prepare these chicken wings ahead of time and reheat before serving .

  10. 他说:墨西哥鱼肉卷的味道有些令人作呕,所以我们试着改成咖喱鸡,但那是个错误的尝试。

    " Fish taco was just nasty and we tried curried chicken . That was just wrong ," he said .

  11. 体验我们的十分钟咖喱鸡配方,并和大家一起品味迅速美味的菜肴。

    Experience our Chicken Curry in Ten Minutes recipe , and make a quick and tasty dish for all to enjoy .

  12. 鸡肉,烤蔬菜,鳕鱼,三文鱼,咖喱鸡,软芝士,生蚝,龙虾。

    Food pairing with : Chicken , grilled vegetables , cod , salmon , chicken curry , soft cheeses , oysters , lobster .

  13. 房间太小,服务员将托盘搭在床上,斯诺登只得将咖喱鸡米饭放在膝盖上。

    The floor is so small the waiter balances the tray on the bed and Snowden has to perch his chicken curry on his knee .

  14. 当被问及是否会限制生产某种口味的饮料时,斯托克表示,他坚决反对生产咖喱鸡口味的饮料。

    Asked if there were any flavors that were off limits , van Stolk said he put his foot down when it came to curried chicken flavor .

  15. 印度的厨师和烹饪书作者ManjuMalhi告诉大家,如何在时间不充分的情况下去做一份完美的咖喱鸡。

    Indian Chef and Cookery Book author Manju Malhi shows VideoJug users a quick and easy chicken curry which is perfect when you 're in a hurry .

  16. 英国广播公司报道,在食堂的咖喱鸡饭里吃出老鼠肉之后,孟加拉国的大学官员下令清剿老鼠。

    University officials in Bangladesh have ordered a major rat extermination drive after rodent meat found its way into chicken curry served to students , the BBC reports .

  17. 我们有一位厨师曾认为,罗宋汤和咖喱鸡都是上海菜,但罗宋汤来自白俄罗斯,咖喱鸡则来自英国。

    We had a cook once who thought that borscht and curried chicken were Shanghainese but the former arrived with the White Russians and the second with the British .

  18. 根据英国《卫报》的一项调查,咖喱鸡和咕噜鸡入围孩子们最喜欢吃的十种菜,而薯条仍然是孩子们一贯的最爱。

    In research , published in The Guardian , children include in their favourite top ten dishes , curry and sweet and sour chicken , but chips still remain an all time favourite .

  19. 看了客房里配有英文翻译的塑封菜单后,斯诺登选中了辣味咖喱鸡配米饭和辣酱,我选了口蘑烩饭和油醋汁鲱鱼沙拉。

    Reading the laminated room-service menu card , complete with English translations , he is tempted by the spicy chicken curry with rice and chilli sauce . I go for the risotto with white mushrooms and a vinaigrette salad with herring .