
  • 网络Lim Guan Eng
  1. 刘特佐想表明,他可以在槟城呼风唤雨,槟城首席部长、反对党成员林冠英(LimGuanEng)说。

    Jho wanted to show that he could call the shots in Penang , said Lim Guan Eng , the chief minister and an opposition member .

  2. 最终,执政党在槟城仅获得了四分之一的议会席位,林冠英再次当选。

    In the end , the governing party won only a quarter of the parliamentary races in Penang , and Mr. Lim was re-elected .

  3. 林冠英强调,该集团,是著名的“绿色”集团之一,它在升旗山的发展,将不会对环境造成破坏。

    Lim stressed that the Group , is the famous " green " groups , it is the development of Penang Hill , will not cause damage to the environment .