
  • 网络linz
  1. 德国的战争机器摇摇晃晃,声音隆隆地越过了边界,快到林茨时却走不动了。

    The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill Linz .

  2. VAI-QStrip(热轧带钢综合质量系统)是一种独特的计算机辅助质量控制系统,已在奥钢联林茨钢厂7机架热带轧机上成功实施。

    VAI Q Strip ( VAI 's Integrated Quality system for hot rolled strip ), a unique computer aided quality control system , has been implemented at the 7 stand hot strip mill of VOEST ALPINE Stahl Linz .

  3. 上月,他们来到位于奥地利多瑙河沿岸的美丽城市林茨,参加一年一度的电子艺术节(ArsElectronica),这场数字媒体盛会吸引了全球各地的反主流文化技术专家。

    Last month , they descended on Linz , a pretty city perched on the banks of the Austrian Danube that hosts the annual Ars Electronica festival , a digital media event that has become a magnet for counter-cultural technologists from around the world .

  4. 林茨工艺生产氟化铝的时序控制与设计

    Sequence Control and Design for the Linz Process AlF_3 Production

  5. 林茨会议和展览厅,奥地利

    Congress and Exhibition Hall , Linz , Austria , 1994

  6. 接下来是奥地利的林茨。

    Next , we are headed to Linz , Austria .

  7. 希特勒自己乘汽车经过林茨时,看到车辆拥塞的情形,大为震怒。

    Hitler himself , motoring through Linz , saw the traffic jam , and infuriated .

  8. 1952年在奥地利的林茨和德那维茨两地诞生了一种炼钢方法。

    In1952 in the austrian towns of Linz and Donawitz , a steelmaking process was established .

  9. 创建于1838年,林茨纺织是欧洲领先的高品质粘胶丝线生产集团。

    Founded in1838 , Linz Textil is the leading high quality viscose yarn manufacturing group in Europe .

  10. 奥地利自由党联邦理事会是当天在上奥州首府林茨举行理事会会议上作出上述决定的。

    The federal council of Austria 's Freedom Party made the decision during a council meeting on that day in Linz , capital of Upper Austria .

  11. 重要代表人物有颇郎伊、艾森斯塔德、墨尔、佛兰克、斯卡齐波尔、梯利、傅高义、林茨、蔡斯-丹,而影响最大的是沃勒斯坦。

    The important figures are Polanyi , Eisenstadt , Moore , Frank , Skocpol , Tilly , Vogel , Linz , Chase-Dunn , and the most important one is Wallerstein .

  12. 两位设计者的作品在大赛上出尽了风头,接着又在欧洲各地巡回展览,包括格勒诺布尔、威尼斯、维也纳、林茨和布鲁塞尔。

    Their pallet house design stole the show and has since gone on to be displayed in many locations around Europe , including Grenoble , Venice , Vienna , Linz and Brussels .

  13. 德国队拥有世界冠军头衔,少数队伍能够和她们在比赛中对抗,今晚,她们在博吉特普林茨轻松的状态带领下显示出了她们的实力。

    Germany are deserved World Champions and few would contest their status in the game , and tonight they showed all their class with Birgit Prinz in particularly buoyant form up front .

  14. 我这些年来所购置的藏画从来没有打算作为私藏,而完全是为了在我的故乡多瑙河畔的林茨建立画廊之用。

    The paintings in the collections bought by me during the years were never assembled for private purposes but solely for the establishment of a picture gallery in my home town of Linz on the danube .