
  • 网络Limburg;Limburger;limbourg;Limburg an der Lahn
  1. 林堡干酪也是相当好的诱饵。

    Limburger cheese is pretty good .

  2. 一些干酪被浸泡于盐水中以刺激特殊的真菌和细菌的生长,林堡软干酪就是这样一种干酪。

    Some cheeses are soaked in brine to stimulate the development of specific fungi and ' bacteria ; Limburger is one such cheese .

  3. 类似tomorrownow的第三方支持服务公开涉足科技咨询师乔什格林堡(joshgreenbaum)所说的“合同法中一个十分复杂和不透明的区域”。

    Third-party support of the kind tomorrownow was overtly engaged in involves what Josh Greenbaum , a technology consultant , calls " a very complex and opaque area of contract law " .

  4. 第一位住在布鲁克林格林堡的艾比·布莱克

    First up , Abby Black , Fort Greene , Brooklyn .

  5. 奎德林堡的牧师会教堂、城堡和古城

    Collegiate Church , Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg

  6. 德国赫施&霍恩林堡公司新卷取机的设计特点

    Design Features and Advantages of a New Downcoiler Installed at Hoesch Hohenlimburg , Germany

  7. 关于穆斯林骗局这个问题上,林堡在此地散播谎言。

    On the Muslim deception , Limbaugh has sprinkled lie dust all over the place .

  8. 然而这座城市,乃至它所在的省林堡,是威尔德斯先生的腹心地带。

    And yet the town , and its province of Limburg , are Mr Wilders 's heartland .

  9. 问题是他的政治观点非常极端,与之相比,极端保守派广播脱口秀主持人拉什•林堡也只能算是一个思想开明的人。

    The problem is his political opinions , which are so extreme they make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal .

  10. 我可以提供马匹,给养,向导以及其它必需的帮助,确保你抵达深林堡。

    I can provide you with horses , provisions , guides , whatever is required to get you as far as Deepwood Motte .

  11. 对于像是拉什·林堡这样的人,或者那些有时候会让你大发脾气的人,对话是唯一的途径。

    When it comes to people like Rush Limbaugh , or people who might enrage you sometimes , dialogue is the only way .

  12. 一名言辞犀利的右翼电台主持鲁什林堡加入论战。另一名同样易激动且思想上与林堡相反的人权领袖阿尔•夏普顿也加入战团。

    Rush Limbaugh , a shrill right-wing radio host , has weighed in , and so has Al Sharpton , an equally excitable but ideologically opposite pundit-cum-activist .

  13. 赛丽丝王后建议我们派渡鸦送信到深林堡,通知陛下我在夜堡恭候大驾。

    Queen Selyse has suggested that we might send word to Deepwood Motte by raven , to inform His Grace that I await his pleasure at the Nightfort .

  14. 福尔斯特:她希望我得到最好的教育,于是送我去读格林堡县中央中学,我见到了校长什么的。

    Forrest : She wanted me to have the finest education so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School . I met the principal and all .

  15. 总部位于犹他州普罗沃的这家网站还发现,奥巴马还是保守派谈话类电台节目主持人拉什林堡的第10代隔代表亲。拉什林堡是奥巴马最辛辣的批评者之一。

    The website , based in Provo , Utah , also discovered that Mr Obama was a10th cousin once removed from Rush Limbaugh , the conservative talk radio host and one of the president 's most virulent critics .