
  1. 禅定的人格&论林清玄禅理散文的精神家园感

    On Lin Qing-xuan 's Zen Essays

  2. 悲悯情怀是林清玄的情感内核,悲悯是其散文的精神特质,清真成为其散文重要的美学风格。

    Compassion makes up the essence of his feelings and the spiritual feature of his prose , Aesthetically , his prose is well-appreciated for its simplicity .

  3. 郁郁黄花无非般若,青青翠竹尽是法身试论许地山、林清玄散文的佛理禅韵跨文化个案研究垮掉的一代与佛禅

    Yellow Flowers are Prajnas ? Or Green Bamboos Embody Buddhas ? & A Probe into the Buddhist Doctrine in Essays Written by Xu Di-shan and Lin Qin-xuan A Cross-cultural Study : the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism