
  • 网络mobile internet;Mobile Web;mobileinternet;WiBro;CMNet
  1. 英国通信管理局(Ofcom)估计,目前英国有多达180万儿童没有使用相关设备的条件,近90万儿童不得不依赖移动互联网学习,而移动互联网的成本可能很高。

    Ofcom estimates as many as 1.8 million children in the UK currently do not have access to a device , and almost 900000 have to rely on mobile internet , which can be costly .

  2. 移动互联网是Internet发展的一种趋势。

    Mobile Internet is the development of Internet .

  3. 移动互联网的端到端QoS研究

    End - to - end quality of service research in mobile Internet

  4. GPRS推动移动互联网步入商用阶段

    GPRS Drives Mobile Internet to Enter Commercial Stage

  5. 移动互联网应用社区中的Widget资源变更管理

    Mobile Widget Change Management in Mobile Internet Application Community

  6. 随着3G时代的来临,移动互联网在当今世界方兴未艾。

    The mobile internet has been bloomed in this world with the approaching of 3G technology .

  7. 随着3G时代的到来,人们对移动互联网的应用需求越来越多。

    As the 3G era coming , people will have more and more demand on the Mobile Internet applications .

  8. 在移动互联网快速发展的今天,以用户为中心的设计思想在APP(第三方应用程序)的设计研发过程中愈加得到重视。

    User-centered Design Methodology in APP design has been more attention in the fast development of mobile internet today .

  9. 移动互联网3G技术的日益成熟,给企业移动信息化的发展带来了前所未有的机遇。

    More and more sophisticated 3G mobile Internet technology has brought unprecedented opportunity for the development of enterprise mobile information .

  10. 应用于移动互联网的Peer-to-Peer关键技术

    Peer-to-Peer Key Technologies in Mobile Internet

  11. 多媒体应用是Android系统的重要开发领域,特别是移动互联网的不断发展,极大地丰富了智能终端的多媒体应用资源。

    Especially , with the development of the mobile Internet , it enriches the intelligent terminal multimedia application resources .

  12. Facebook对移动互联网战略的成功与否,将决定其是否能从用户手中赚到更多钱。

    Whether Facebook can extract more money from its users will depend in good part on its strategy for the mobile web .

  13. 面向移动互联网的Mashup聚合业务研究

    Research of Mobile Internet Oriented Mashup Services

  14. 介绍了WAP和GPRS二种实现移动互联网的技术,并且讨论了各自的特点。

    Presents two types of technology in the area of mobile internet-WAP and GPRS , and discusses their differences .

  15. 最近几年,随着3G网络的发展和手机终端的普及,移动互联网拥有了强劲的发展势头。

    Recently , with the development of 3G networks and the popularity of smart terminals , mobile Internet has got a strong development .

  16. 3G时代的到来,推动了移动互联网的迅猛发展,同时也影响着用户的需求。

    The arrival of the 3G era , not only promotes the rapid development of internet , but also affects the needs of users .

  17. 无线接入技术和移动互联网接入技术使移动终端用户可以无线上网,从GIS工作者研究的MobileGIS获得空间信息服务。

    With the wireless technology and mobile Internet , the mobile terminal users could go surfing on the Web wireless , obtain spatial information server from Mobile GIS researched by GIS experts .

  18. 此后,Facebook的股价翻了一番,也推动了其他能从移动互联网中赚钱的公司股价开始上涨。

    Since then , Facebook has seen its stock price double , spurring rallies in other companies able to draw revenue from the mobile web .

  19. 但在过去一年中,移动互联网在欧洲和美国已成为用户友好(user-friendly)的现实。

    But in the past year the mobile Internet has become a user-friendly reality in Europe and the US .

  20. 在3G和三网融合的利好之下,移动互联网的发展地位毋庸置疑,所以手机搜索市场开发前景还是巨大的。

    In3G and three net fusions , under the good development status of mobile Internet undoubtedly , so mobile phone search market development prospects or huge .

  21. 随着3G牌照的发放,移动互联网在中国正渐渐成为现实,以苹果APPStore为代表的应用商店成为广受关注的商业模式。

    As 3G license payment , mobile Internet in China will be realistic , to the Apple App Store is represented by the application store become pervasive business model .

  22. 由于业内市场上的不断出现的新产品和客户端计算的本质在不断变化,Linux显得更具吸引力-特别是对移动互联网。

    Because there are new devices in the market and the nature of client computing is changing in the industry , Linux is much more attractive & especially for the mobile Internet .

  23. 为了满足用户日益增长的网络需求,该产品实现了Wi-Fi等移动互联网接入功能。

    In order to meet growing customer demand for Network , the product implemented Wi-Fi and other mobile Internet access .

  24. 移动互联网中SCTP协议的性能优化

    SCTP performance optimization in mobile Internet

  25. 移动互联网和定位服务LBS日益火爆,由于GPS定位有其局限之处,因此蜂窝基站定位更显重要。

    With the fast growing of mobile Internet and LBS , GPS positioning has its limits , so cellular site positioning is becoming more and more important .

  26. 计算机继大型机时代、小型机时代、PC时代、互联网时代后,已经开始进入第五个时代,即移动互联网时代。

    Computer following the era of the mainframe , the minicomputer era , the PC era , the age of the Internet , has begun to enter the fifth era of mobile Internet era .

  27. 20世纪80年代标志性的摇滚乐手佩特?班纳塔让“爱情就像战场”(loveisabattlefield)这个说法家喻户晓。而移动互联网的普及则让这个说法成为了现实。

    It was iconic ' 80s rocker singer Pat Benatar who popularized the phrase " love is a battlefield . " But it has been the ubiquity of the mobile Internet that realized it .

  28. 在中国,随着电信产业第四次重组的完成以及3G牌照的发放,移动互联网在技术和业务上逐渐趋于成熟,移动互联网用户的增长步伐加快,开展移动互联网业务的时机已经成熟。

    With the accomplishment of the fourth reconstruction of telecommunications and issue of third-generation mobile telephone licenses , Mobile Internet have become mature in technology and business in China .

  29. 随着3G网络的发展和智能手机以及平板电脑的迅速普及,移动互联网成为了当前计算机世界的最大热点。

    With the development of 3G networks and the rapid popularization of smartphone and tablet PC , mobile Internet has been the current largest hot spot in the computer world .

  30. Ubuntu迅速成为一个流行于上网本(netbook)、移动互联网设备(MID)和其他小型系统的操作系统。

    Ubuntu is fast becoming a popular distribution for netbooks , mobile Internet devices ( MIDs ), and other small systems .