
  • 网络immigrant management
  1. 水库移民管理是一个复杂的系统工程,我国新时期的移民管理需要切实贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,提高移民工作的管理效能,加快解决水库移民问题,促进水利事业的健康、协调发展。

    The reservoir immigrant management is a complex system . It is necessary to follow a human-oriented concept and to improve the efficiency of management so as to promote the health and harmonious development of water conservancy .

  2. 以水库移民管理系统的UML建模为例,详细阐述了Visio中,基于UML模型的软件系统设计方案。

    With the ( example ) of Reservoir Resettlement MIS , the modeling scheme of UML in Visio is hold and arranged .

  3. 广东省水库移民管理体制改革分析

    Reformation of management mode for reservoir region immigrants in Guangdong Province

  4. 水库移民管理中的政府角色定位研究

    Study on Orientation of the Government Role in Water Reservoir Resettlement Management

  5. 移民管理部将会处理具体的实施细节。

    The Controller of Immigration and Emigration would work out the details .

  6. 发达地区农村外来劳动力和移民管理研究

    Study on Migrant Labor in Economic Developed Rural Area

  7. 但是今天,我们的移民管理体系漏洞百出,这是人人皆知的事实。

    But today , our immigration system is broken , and everybody knows it .

  8. 移民管理处发现了伪造的护照。

    Immigration control noticed the forged passport .

  9. 水电站建设中项目法人征地移民管理实用办法

    Regulations for Management of Land Acquisition and Resettlement by Project Legal Person in Hydropower Station Construction

  10. 大中型水电工程移民管理体制现状及发展探讨

    Discussion on status quo of resettlement management system of large and medium scale of hydropower projects

  11. 水库移民管理决策探讨

    Discussion on Reservoir-induced Resettlement Management Decision-making

  12. 第五,论述了水库移民管理中政府角色的正确定位及实现途径;

    Fifth , discussed the right orientation of government role and concrete countermeasures in reservoir resettlement management work ;

  13. 微观移民管理是指在宏观移民治理确定的权力、任务、目标划分、制衡下,各行动主体所从事的具有不同形式与内容的管理。

    The micro management includes the management modes of different forms and contents by different participants under the macro governance .

  14. 正如大家所听说的,国会有议员质疑我完善移民管理体系的权力。

    As you might have heard , there are Members of Congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better .

  15. 真正大赦的是我们今天的移民管理体系,数百万人生活在这里,却从不缴税,也不受到法律的约束。

    Amnesty is the immigration system we have today-millions of people living here without paying their taxes , or playing by the rules .

  16. 文章最后一部分,主要总结了三峡移民管理信息系统的经验得失和对系统的改进方向。

    The last part is the main conclusion of the Three Gorges immigration MIS experience gains and losses and improvement direction of the system .

  17. 水利工程移民管理理论框架构建研究水利工程施工机械的合理配置及管理

    Establishing a Theoretical Frame of Resettlement Management for Water Conservancy Projects ; On the reasonable allocation and management of the construction machines of water engineering

  18. 移民管理不是在一个现成的组织中,具有主客二分单向控制特征的传统管理,而被描述成参与移民联合行动过程的各行动主体共同实施的一种互动式管理。

    The resettlement management is not a traditional management of unilateral controlling , but an new mode of different participants interacting together in the process of combined action .

  19. 国家移民管理局的刘海涛表示,我国陆地边境线长达2.2万公里,陆地边境开放的口岸有91个,境外疫情自陆路方向向我国输入的风险高。

    Liu Haitao with the National Immigration Administration says China faces a high risk of imported cases as it has a 22000-km of land border with 91 entry points .

  20. 第四,详细分析了当前我国各级政府在水库移民管理中存在的角色缺位和越位问题及形成原因;

    Fourth , analyzed the existing problems and reasons for which " vacancy " and " offside " of all levels of governments role in the reservoir resettlement management work ;

  21. 这就引发出关于如何适应时代的发展,寻求在新形势下水利工程移民管理中的政府职能正确定位问题。

    This results in the problem that how to adapt to the development of times and seek for the right orientation of government functions in the water conservancy projects resettlement management nowadays .

  22. 九一一之前没有任何问题——已婚的尤弟只要去移民管理局提供自己的签证状况,即可开始申请公民。

    Before 9 / 11 there would have been no problems - Yudhi , now married , could just go to the immigra-tion office , update his visa situation and begin the process of gaining citizenship .

  23. 世界各国普遍建立了较为完善的外国人就业管理法律制度对国内外国劳工就业进行规范,根据不同的移民管理制度,国内学者将外国人就业区分为职业移民与国际劳工。

    Countries worldwide have generally established fairly good management laws of the employment of foreigners to regulate domestic foreign labor . In the light of different Migration Management Systems , Chinese scholars divided Aliens Employment into professional immigrants and International Labor .

  24. 因此,分析社会主义市场经济条件下水库移民管理问题形成的深层原因,并寻求从水库移民管理工作中各级政府角色的正确定位方面解决问题的方法,是本文研究的主要目的和主要内容。

    Therefore , analyzing deep level reason for the problems of reservoir resettlement management under the socialist market economy condition , and seeks methods from orientating the government role rightly in the reservoir resettlement management work is main goal and content of this article .

  25. 对策的重点是非技术措施与方法,如调适人类开发利用生态资源的观念、方法及群体行为,改善旱区的社会格局、加强旱区人类行为评估和移民管理等。

    Our countermeasure is non-technical one , such as the adjustment of mankind 's concept , method and group behavior in the development of ecological resources , improvement of community structure of arid area , and strengthening the evaluation of human behavior and the management of migration of arid area .

  26. 小浪底移民项目管理信息系统开发研究

    Development of Xiaolangdi Resettlement Project Management information System

  27. 华裔一部分具有高学历背景的移民进入管理和高科技产业,但是一些教育水平较低的移民只能从事技术含量较低、收入较少的职业;(3)受教育水平。

    Part of the American-Chinese with highly education background enters management and high-tech industries . However , some lower level education immigrants can only be engaged in low-tech industry and low-income sector . ( 3 ) the level of education .

  28. 第二部分是需求分析,主要从移民信息管理、移民业务和业务流程以及实现目标等几个方面进行了分析,阐述了三峡移民管理信息系统的运行环境、业务需求和系统设计目标。

    The second part is the requirement analysis , mainly analyses from several aspects of immigration information management , business and business processes and achieve the target , and describes the Three Gorges immigration MIS environment , business needs , and system design goals .

  29. 全国水库移民后期扶持管理信息系统设计综述

    Design summary of information system for post-support management of reservoir resettlement in China

  30. 水利工程移民遗留问题管理信息系统开发

    Resettlement Management Information System Shanxi Water Conservancy Project