
yí xiàng
  • transposition;transpose;transposition of terms
移项 [yí xiàng]
  • [transpose] 把代数方程的一项从方程的一边移到另一边,同时改变该项的符号

  • [transposition] 任一项从方程的这一侧到另一侧的变号移动

移项[yí xiàng]
  1. 布尔代数中偏序关系的泛移项法则

    General Term-shifting Rules of the Partial Sequence Relation in Boole Algebra

  2. 控制律采用现代最优控制方法设计,采用移项法补偿时间滞后。

    Accordingly , effects of the time-delay on control system are studied .

  3. 以该稳速控制方案为基础,分析并选择了关键元部件,完成了校正网络电路、移项电路及功放电路的设计。

    On the basis of this stable speed control proposal , make analysis and select key components , complete network circuit correction , phase-shift circuit and power amplifier circuit design .

  4. 本文引入了增广矩阵的列向量移项的概念,并给出了运用矩阵的初等行变换和列向量移项求解线性方程组的一般方法和实例。

    This paper introduces the concept of transposition of terms about column vector of augmented matrixes and gives the general method and examples for finding of the system solutions of linear equations by the elementary row operations and transposition of terms about column vector of augmented matrixes .