
shuǐ mò huà
  • ink and wash;wash painting;wash drawing;inkwash painting;Chinese monochrome
水墨画 [shuǐ mò huà]
  • [ink and wash;inkwash painting;chinese monochrome] 指用水墨画的国画,不上彩色

水墨画[shuǐ mò huà]
  1. 在众多中国当代艺术家中,朱伟是极少的几位以传统水墨画诠释当代中国社会现状的艺术家之一。

    Zhu Wei is one of very few Chinese contemporary artists to choose a classical artistic medium – ink and wash – to represent the social realities of modern China .

  2. 我边表演,两位画家边画水墨画。

    Two painters are painting ink and wash painting during my performance .

  3. 从水墨画成画机理出发提出一个实用的3D毛笔模型系统,精确模拟毛笔几何形态及运动弯曲等动态交互行为。

    A practical3D brush model system was put forward from ink-water drawing principle to accurately simulate geometry states and interactive behavior of brush .

  4. 水墨画是东方艺术的典型代表,而目前繁杂的3D水墨动画制作工艺,不利于传统文化的传播,如能利用现有水墨作品,快速制作水墨效果,将打破这一尴尬局面。

    Chinese ink-painting is the typical of Oriental Art , whereas the current complicated technologies for creating 3D Chinese ink-style animation make against the spread of this traditional culture .

  5. 主楼的二层是“日本艺术精华”展(“HighlightsofJapaneseArt”),展品涵盖从禅到水墨画的各种主题,对文化和艺术都是有益的启蒙。

    The main building 's second-floor " Highlights of Japanese Art , " with exhibitions dedicated to topics like Zen and ink painting , provides an instructive primer on both culture and art .

  6. 基于SPH的中国水墨画风格烟气动画系统

    SPH Based Chinese-Ink-Painting-Style Smoke Animation System

  7. 基于粒子系统的中国水墨画仿真算法

    Graphical Simulation Algorithm for Chinese Ink Wash Drawing by Particle System

  8. 当代中国招贴设计对中国水墨画的借鉴研究

    Poster Design in Contemporary China Benchmarking Study of Chinese Ink Painting

  9. 中国水墨画仿真中几个关键问题的研究

    Research on Several Key Problems in the Simulation of Chinese Painting

  10. 日本《水墨画季刊》日本日贸出版社;

    Water and Ink Quarterly , Japan Trading Press , Japan ;

  11. 略论中国水墨画的生存与发展

    On the Existence and Development of Chinese Water - ink Painting

  12. 中国水墨画的设色扩散与风格化绘制研究

    Research on the Pigments Diffusing and Stylistic Rendering of Chinese Painting

  13. 水墨画仿真中画笔的行为实现

    The Realization of Brush in the Simulation of Chinese Ink Wash Drawing

  14. 他送了我们三个人每人一张水墨画,两尺琴条。

    He did a two-foot long ink-and-wash scroll for each of us .

  15. 水墨画计算机仿真的墨扩散效果研究

    Research on Computer Simulation of Diffusion of Chinese Ink Paint

  16. 所以,水墨画对设计的影响是必然的。

    Wash painting is used in the design in practice is necessary .

  17. 基于可编程流水线的水墨画效果实时绘制

    Real-time rendering of Chinese painting based on programmable graphics hardware

  18. 中国水墨画是一门历史悠久的艺术,在中国已经具有了近千年的历史。

    The Chinese ink painting has approximate history of one thousand years .

  19. 将古画分为重彩画与水墨画两类。

    Paintings are divided into two categories re-color paintings and ink paintings .

  20. 中国文人水墨画的特点及其创作要求

    The Features and Artistic Requirements of the Chinese Literati Painting

  21. 完成上述工作之后,把系统进行整合,实现一个完整的水墨画仿真系统。

    After that , integrates system , makes a complete simulation system .

  22. 当代中国水墨画的困境与出路

    The Predicament and the Ways of Modern Chinese Wash Painting

  23. 论析水墨画的意象空白

    A Brief Discussion on the Imago Blank of Water Painting

  24. 对于传统水墨画语言的再释读

    A New Explanation of the Water and Ink Language in the Traditional Paintings

  25. 探讨中国水墨画的视觉语言

    On the Visual Conception of Chinese Ink and Wash

  26. 论工笔画与水墨画的审美差异

    On the Aesthetic Differences between Ink and Wash Painting and Fine Brushwork Painting

  27. 扬州八怪对台湾早期水墨画的影响

    Influence of Yangzhou 's Eight Eccentric Painters on Taiwan 's early wash painting

  28. 竹子水墨画挂在她公寓的墙上。

    Ink-wash bamboo paintings hang on her apartment walls .

  29. 敢问路在何方&现代都市水墨画启示录

    Where is the Road & An Apocalyptic of Chinese Painting in Modern Cities

  30. 其次,新文人画是对大众水墨画的提升。

    Second , the new ink paintings is the upgrading of the public .