
  • 网络water works
  1. 目前国内项目风险管理研究处于起步阶段,水务工程BOT项目建设风险的相关研究更是及其缺乏。

    Currently , domestic research on project risk management is at the initial stage . even worse , the water work engineering BOT project risk is lack of relevant studies .

  2. 涉外水务工程投资和总承包管理的思考与建议

    Studying and suggesting for the management of international water project investment and turn-key way construction

  3. 在教学方面,水处理实验能培养学习者的实际操作能力,掌握水处理实验的原理方法,加深对环境工程、水务工程专业理论知识的理解。

    In the aspect of instruction , water treatment experiments can train practical operation abilities of students , cause students to catch principles of water treatment experiments and improve students ' understanding of environment engineering and municipal engineering major 's theories .

  4. 主要介绍了深圳市水务局东江水源工程管理处东江3水泵摆度过大的分析及处理过程,希望能对相应的水泵处理有所借鉴。

    This paper introduces analyzing and solution of pump 3 's obstacle at Dongjiang station of water source engineering management department .