
  • 网络Reservoir backwater;baekwater of reservoir
  1. 倍江文峰水库回水变动区推移质运动试验研究

    Experiment Study on Bedload Transport in the Variable Backwater Zone of Wen-Feng Reservoir

  2. 三峡水库回水变动区重庆河段泥沙淤积影响及治理

    Sediment Aggregation and Regulation for Chongqing Reach of the Fluctuating Backwater District in Three Georges Reservoir

  3. 河道型水库回水变动区卵石推移质运动规律的研究

    Study on the Behavior of the Gravel Bedload in the Fluctuating Backwater Area of a Gorge-Type Reservoir

  4. 三门峡水库回水变动区土地利用/土地覆被变化及其景观格局分析

    Change of land use / land cover and landscape pattern in the backwater variation area of the Sanmenxia reservoir

  5. 水库回水计算是确定水库淹没范围,进行规划方案论证的基础工作。

    Calculation of backwater in reservoir is foundational for defining inundated area in a reservoir and demonstration a planned program .

  6. 水库回水末端判别标准的精度不仅影响回水长度的大小,在有些情况下甚至影响回水长度随流量变化的规律;

    Criterion for the terminal of backwater may have effect not only on backwater length , but also on the rule of backwater length ′ s fluctuation with discharge .

  7. 由于河道型水库回水情况与一般水库有较大的差异,因此不能采用常规的回水计算成果来确定水库的淹没范围。

    Since there is a larger difference between backwater in river-run reservoir and in the general one , the results of the conventional calculation of backwater can not be used to define the inundated area of a river-run reservoir .

  8. 潼关断面位于黄河和渭河汇流区下游,由于受三门峡水库回水淤积和近期黄河来水减少等因素的影响,致使近年来潼关高程持续上升且居高不下,给渭河下游防洪带来了较大危害。

    Because of backwater deposition of the Sanmenxia reservoir and reduction of incoming water of Yellow River and so on , Tongguan riverbed continued to raise high in recent years , and it has brought large hazards to flood control in lower reaches of Weihe River .

  9. 三峡水库变动回水区河床演变及航道整治

    Fluvial process and waterway regulation in fluctuating backwater area of the Three Gorges

  10. 三峡水库变动回水区河道推移质输移特性研究

    Study on Bed Load in the Changing Backwater-area of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  11. 湖体处于中度富营养状态。三峡水库支流回水区营养状态季节变化

    Seasonal Variation of Trophic States in Backwater Areas of Tributaries in Three Gorges Reservoir

  12. 三峡水库变动回水区泥沙淤积对航运的影响

    Influence of sediment deposition on the navigation conditions in the fluctuating backwater region of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  13. 三峡水库支流回水河段氮磷负荷与干流的逆向影响

    Nitrogen and phosphorus loadings in branch backwater reaches and the reverse effects in the main stream in Three Gorges Reservoir

  14. 重庆主城区河段处于三峡水库变动回水区,又是嘉陵江汇入长江的河段,水流条件和泥沙运动十分复杂。

    The reach of Chongqing City is in the variable backwater region of Three Gorges Reservoir , and it is also the reach as the Jialingjiang River flowing into the Yangtse River .

  15. 长江三峡水库对变动回水区河段的再造床问题

    Fluvial processes in fluctuating backwater reach of the Three-Gorge Reservoir

  16. 三角洲河道动床之自我调整作用,因水库水位之回水影响,其输沙特性有异于明渠均匀流。

    The sediment transport resulted from self adjustment of the channel bed due to backwater effects differs from that occurring in a uniform flow .

  17. 按照这一方案运行后,重庆主城区河段将位于三峡水库的变动回水区,其冲淤情况变得更加复杂。

    The river reach in Chongqing downtown lies in the fluctuating backwater region , after running on the 175m scheme of the Three Georges Reservoir , the process of sediment deposition and scouring condition becomes more complex .

  18. 开始蓄水拦沙运用,水库严重淤积回水迅速上延,引发设计输沙量和水沙综合调节治河新理论。

    During the operation of storing water and retaining sediment , serious deposition in the reservoir leads to backwater level rising rapidly . Therefore it also brings out new river-trained theory of design sediment load and integrated regulation of water-sediment .

  19. 河段糙率是计算水库、水电站回水和确定淹没搬迁线的重要参数。

    The river reach roughness is a important parameter for calculating reservoir and hydropower station backwater and determining submerge and move line .

  20. 三峡水库建成后,重庆主城区河段处于水库变动回水区的中上段,其水动力条件和物质输运能力将发生巨大变化。

    After the running of Three Gorges Reservoir , the reaches of Yangtze River and Jialing River in the city Chongqing become the middle and upper reach of the fluctuating backwater reach of Three Gorges Reservoir , and their hydrodynamic conditions will be changed greatly .