
  • 网络Lake Nasser;Nasser lake
  1. 在水面反射阳光的作用下,纳赛尔湖看上去烁烁发光,这种现象就是宇航员所说的“太阳反辉区”。

    In this photograph , light reflecting off the surface of the water a phenomenon astronauts call sunglint makes the lake appear to glow .

  2. 焦立中回忆说,正当湖面反射出太阳光的瞬间他按下了快门,这时的纳赛尔湖看上去就像是液态的金属。

    " I was able to shoot this photo just as the sun was reflecting off of the water , making it appear to be liquid metal ," Chiao said in a statement .