
  • 网络Neuilly;Nai
  1. 为解决这一难题,纳伊找来了一支由3名公关人员组成的团队,他们为本季秀场上872位嘉宾顺利安排了座位。

    To solve the problem Khan worked with a team of three publicists , to put each of the 872 guests at his runway show this season in the right seat .

  2. 贝当古几位前雇员以及她已故的丈夫安德烈曾告诉法官,在2007年2月和4月大选期间,萨科奇曾至少两次亲自前往贝当古位于纳伊的住所,而且行事十分小心。

    Several former employees of Mrs Bettencourt and her late husband Andr é have the told the judge that Mr Sarkozy discreetly turned up in person to their mansion in Neuilly at least twice before his election in February and April 2007 .