
jī dū tú
  • see also 基督教徒;Christian
  1. 基督徒相信上帝使耶稣复活。

    Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead .

  2. 他们是福音派基督徒。

    They 're evangelical Christians .

  3. 由于他是基督徒,法官便对他从轻发落。

    Because he was a Christian , the judge let him off

  4. 她是个虔诚的基督徒,对工作全身心投入。

    She was a very strict Christian who was married to her job

  5. 他们参加了一个奋兴布道会,成为了获得重生的基督徒。

    They attended a revivalist meeting and became born-again Christians .

  6. 我不是宗教狂热分子,但我是基督徒。

    I am not a religious fanatic but I am a Christian .

  7. 他目前是世界基督徒团契的主任医师。

    He is presently the medical director for the Fellowship of World Christians .

  8. 基督徒因为试图改变他人信仰而被捕。

    Christians were arrested for trying to convert people , to proselytise them .

  9. 黑人教会社区试图将来自不同教派的基督徒联合起来。

    The Black church community has sought to bring together Christians from different denominational backgrounds

  10. 我成长为名不副实的基督徒。

    I was brought up a nominal Christian .

  11. 他们对基督徒的商业交易征收宗教税。

    They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions

  12. 对他们以及所有基督徒来说,这里是一处圣地。

    To them , as to all Christians , this is a holy place .

  13. 我的朋友大部分是基督徒。

    Most of my friends are Christian .

  14. 在耶稣死后的几个世纪里,基督徒们真的相信世界将要灭亡。

    In the centuries following Christ 's death , Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end

  15. 她是一个虔诚的基督徒。

    She was a devout Christian

  16. 他是个虔诚的基督徒。

    He was a devout Christian

  17. 他说自己绝不轻饶那些在穆斯林和基督徒之间挑起事端的人。

    He said he would show no leniency towards those who stirred up trouble between Muslims and Christians .

  18. 多萝西被形容成一个非常正统的女人,一个尽职尽责、非常虔诚的基督徒。

    Dorothy was described as a very straight woman , a very strict Christian who was married to her job .

  19. 他是个基督徒,必须遵守基督教的教义。

    As a Christian , he has to abide by Christian doctrine .

  20. 基督徒认为耶稣•基督是来解救我们摆脱罪孽的。

    Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin .

  21. 这次礼拜仪式各教派的基督徒都参加了。

    The service was attended by Christians of all denominations .

  22. 圣诞节是基督徒的一个重要节日。

    Christmas is an important feast for christians .

  23. 他是位诚挚的基督徒。

    He is an earnest christian .

  24. 对非基督徒引用《圣经》是没用的。

    It 's no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian .

  25. 当你害怕,或觉得孤单的时候,当别人因为你是基督徒而嘲笑你的时候,记住耶稣的应许。

    When you are afraid , or feel lonely , when others make fun of you as a Christian5 , remember Jesus ' promise .

  26. 现在是普遍恩典和共同土地(commongraceandcommonland)的纪元,基督徒要顺服掌权者&即使他们是异教徒,并生活在各样的宪法之下,而不是神通过摩西所颁布的律法所确立的。

    Now is the era of common grace and common land , obeying rulers even pagan ones and living under constitutions other than the one that God gave through Moses .

  27. 早期的基督徒在大斋节的第四个星期日节日庆祝母亲节来纪念荣Mary(基督的母亲)。

    The early Christians celebrated the Mother 's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary , the mother of Christ .

  28. 欢迎到摄政的基督徒学院(RCA)的网上家。

    Welcome to the online home of Regent Christian Academy ( RCA ) .

  29. Dave是一名基督徒,所以他和Kate决定在当地教堂举行结婚仪式,然后在一家饭店举行中国式的婚宴。

    Dave is a Christian , so he and Kate have decided to have a wedding ceremony at a local church and then have the Chinese style reception at a hotel later .

  30. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(JohannSebastianBach,1685-1750)是音乐领域里最伟大的音乐大师,也是一位虔诚的新教基督徒,他一生平淡艰辛,为音乐也为寻求和荣耀上帝而毕生劳苦工作。

    Johann Sebastian Bach , 1685-1750 , is one of the greatest masters in music field , also a religious protestant . He seeks & unto glory of God in his whole wateriness life by hard working on music .