
  • 网络gene weapon;genetic weapon
  1. 英国科学家开发出了一种基因武器,用以攻击具有抗药性的病菌。

    British scientists have developed a genetic weapon to attack antibiotic resistant bacteria .

  2. 生物武器、基因武器等新型武器引起的内科疾病将增多。

    The morbidity of internal medicine diseases that caused by biological weapon , gene weapon and other new types of weapons will be increased .

  3. 科学上的任何一样进步,人类都可以拿来作为武器。随着生物技术的飞速发展,在不久的将来很有可能会研制出杀伤力更隐蔽的新一代生物武器&基因武器。

    Because human-beings can take any scientific progress as weapons , as the fast development of biotechnology , it is possible to develop a new generation of biological weapons with more hidden killing-genic weapons in near future .

  4. 机器人技术、基因工程和网络武器可能被滥用;

    the potential abuse of robotics , genetic engineering and cyber weapons ;

  5. 基因犯罪和基因武器问题。

    Issues about gene crime and gene weapon .