
  • 网络Manned Space Flight;manned spaceflight;Human spaceflight
  1. 载人航天测控通信系统

    TT & C and communication system of Chinese manned space flight

  2. 载人航天中人的失误分析及研究对策

    Study on Human Errors in Manned Space Flight and Their Solution

  3. 空间站将在高度340至450公里的近地轨道运行,设计在轨飞行时间可达10年以上。专家表示,如果妥善维护,空间站的在轨飞行时间有可能超过15年。中国载人航天“三步走”战略

    The station will operate in the low-Earth orbit at an altitude from 340 km to 450 km . It has a designed lifespan of 10 years , but experts believe it could last more than 15 years with appropriate maintenance and repairs .

  4. 地面C波段脉冲跟踪测量雷达在美国载人航天中的应用

    Application of Ground-Based C-Band Pulse Tracking Radar to American Manned Space Flight

  5. GPS在载人航天搜救中的应用

    The application of GPS in manned spacecraft search and rescue

  6. 载人航天飞行任务USB测控网优化配置解决方案

    Optimized Distribution Strategy of USB TT & C Network in Manned Space Missions

  7. 对航天测控领域引入GPS技术应用于载人航天工程中着陆场系统搜索救援工作的必要性进行了讨论;

    This paper describes the necessity to introduce GPS technology into the search and rescue activities in manned spaceflight landing site .

  8. 载人航天NASA重返月球和火星的载人飞行计划

    Manned spaceflight NASA , Return to the Moon and Mars

  9. 航天英雄自主出舱载人航天圆满成功OpenGL在航天员舱外活动仿真中的应用

    China 's Manned Space Mission ' Complete Success ' Application of OpenGL in Simulation of Extra Vehicular Activity

  10. 结论长期载人航天任务时,电化学方法用于控制深空任务中固废焚烧产生的NOx和CO2是有效的。

    Conclusion Electrochemical method for the control of NOx and CO2 emissions from solid waste incineration is effective for deep space missions .

  11. 文章介绍了美国NASA在载人航天安全管理方面的有关标准和管理文件。

    The paper gives an introduction to the standards and management documents associated with manned spaceflight safety issued by NASA .

  12. 即将筹建的跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)是国防和载人航天的重要支撑系统。

    Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System studying and constructing is an important sustaining system in China .

  13. MC-CDMA具有数据传输速率和频带利用率高,发送和接收设备简单等优点,在载人航天通信中具有十分重要的应用价值。

    MC-CDMA has a high data rate , good band efficiency and simplified transmission and reception equipment and has an important value to satellite communications .

  14. 中国载人航天工程办公室(CMSEO)表示,计划在2020年完成空间站,正好是国际空间站(ISS)计划退役的时间。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office has said it plans to complete the space station in 2020 , just as the International Space Station is scheduled to retire .

  15. 此举反映了NASA载人航天计划中的一个根本性转变,即把设计和运行航天器的任务外包给私人企业,而不是像以往那样亲力亲为。

    The awards reflect a fundamental shift in NASA 's human spaceflight program , relying on private companies rather than the traditional hands-on approach , in which the space agency designed and operated the spacecraft .

  16. 将逆向软件和专业CAD软件结合起来是针对复杂曲面模型重建的有效方法,以神舟五号载人航天飞船缓冲减震垫设计为实例,探求了复杂曲面重建规律。

    Let the reverse software be combined with the specialized CAD software is an effective method for complicated surface model reconstruction . Take the design of buffer shock absorption pad of SHENZHOU ⅴ manned space airship as a living example the law of complicated surface reconstruction was explored .

  17. 心电图(ECG)仍是国外载人航天活动各阶段中连续医学监测的唯一技术。

    Electrocardiography ( ECG ) is still the only method for continuous medical observation during various stages of foreign manned spaceflight activities , and it also serves as an important item for medical monitoring in the project for manned spaceflight activities in our country .

  18. 壬基酚(NP)是一种环境内分泌干扰物(EDs),而EDs已成为当前环境医学领域的研究重点之一。最后对航天环境医学在我国未来载人航天工程中的发展机遇与挑战进行了展望。

    The research on endocrine disrupters has become one of the key directions in the field of environmental medical science . Finally , the objective and challenge of space environment medicine faced in the future research in China are presented .

  19. 但在美国政府竭力削减债务之际,载人航天探索的巨大成本迫使现总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)叫停航天飞机计划,使美国没有了自己的载人航天器。

    But the huge cost of manned space exploration at a time when the government is struggling to cut its debt compelled his successor , Barack Obama , to halt the shuttle programme , leaving the US without a vehicle of its own for manned space flights .

  20. 王仲仁教授为载人航天工程空间环境模拟器与某大型风洞制造项目的总师,这两个容器的最大直径均超过12m,均有大型法兰,对于风洞还有大尺寸的收缩形体,截面变化激烈。

    R. Wang was the general engineer of the manufacturing project of the space environmental simulator and a large wind tunnel . The largest diameter in these two vessels is all larger than 12m and there are large size flanges in these two vessels .

  21. 高级在轨系统AOS在我国载人航天等空间任务中得到了应用,并将继续在将来的载人航天、探月工程及我国的跟踪与数据中继卫星等航天计划中得到广泛应用。

    The Advanced Orbiting System ( AOS ) has been adopted and realized in many aero-space missions in our country such as manned spacecraft projects etc. , and it will be used more extensively in future aerospace plans like moon exploration projects , tracking and data relay satellites .

  22. CZ-2F火箭遥测仿真系统作为地面逃逸判决软件的测试系统已经成功地应用在载人航天工程首次载人飞行任务中。

    As a testing system of ground escape judgement software , the telemetry simulation system of CZ-2F launch vehicle has been successfully used in the mission of launching the first manned spacecraft for manned spacecraft astronautical engineering .

  23. 交会对接(RVD)是进行空间组装、空间救援、深空探测等的必要技术,也是我国载人航天第二步战略的关键技术,而建立交会对接仿真系统是深入研究交会对接技术的重要途径。

    Rendezvous and docking technology is essential in space-assembly , space-succor , outer space-exploration and so on , and is also a key technology of the second step of Chinese manned spaceflight . Building rendezvous and docking simulation system is an important way for studying rendezvous and docking technology .

  24. 可靠性增长技术在载人航天发动机研制中的应用

    The Application of Reliability Increasing in the Manned Spaceflight Rocket Engine

  25. 并对近代测控系统的新应用进行了介绍,如载人航天、小卫星测控、巡航导弹测控以及深空跟踪测控。

    New application of TT & C system is also introduced .

  26. 载人航天飞行试验任务中遥控计划正确性自动验证方法的研究

    Automatic Verification of Flight & Control Schedule in Manned Spaceflight Mission

  27. 载人航天运载火箭地面设备系统研制

    Development of Ground Support System Equipment for Manned Spaceflight Launch Vehicle

  28. 载人航天中航天员医务监督对测控能力的需求

    Requirements of Tracking and Data Aquisition Network for Astronauts Medical Monitoring

  29. 所有这些都标志着我国首次载人航天飞行圆满成功。

    All these marked the complete success of the manned flight .

  30. 俄罗斯2006~2030年载人航天发展规划

    Russian Manned Space Development Program for the Period of 2006 ~ 2030