
  • 网络Basic medical care
  1. 贫困县农民基本医疗服务费用

    The peasants'expenditure on basic medical care in poor rural China

  2. 进一步加强高校医院的公共卫生服务、预防保健、基本医疗服务和健康教育职能,是高校教学和科研强有力的保障。

    In order to offer forceful guarantee , the college hospital should make further improvement in public sanitary service , preventive health system , basic medical care and healthy education .

  3. 公共财政政策框架下基本医疗服务体系的构建

    Construction of Basic Medical Ministry System Under the Commonality Financial Policy

  4. 论医疗服务人力资本对基本医疗服务的补偿作用

    Compensation function of medical services human capital for basic medical services

  5. 在基本医疗服务上,不再有每年的或者年龄上的限制。

    There are no more annual or lifetime limits on essential health care .

  6. 政府保障基本医疗服务的责任

    Governments ' Duties in Guaranteeing the Basic Medical Services

  7. 广州中心城区基本医疗服务等级区域分布及其特征

    Distribution and Characteristics of Various Regional Classifications of Basic Medical Services in Guangzhou

  8. 以非基本医疗服务盈利作为补偿渠道的制度安排研究

    Institution Device on Using the Profits from the Non-basic Medical Service as Compensation Method

  9. 发展非基本医疗服务增强卫生事业活力

    Developing non-basic medical services so as to enhance the vigor of the health cause

  10. 基本医疗服务的界定

    The definition of Basic Medical Services

  11. 全科医学实践教学应强化对学员基本医疗服务能力的培训。

    General medicine practical teaching should strengthen the training on students ′ basic medical service ability .

  12. 新医改政策背景下城市基本医疗服务供方补偿路径探讨

    Probe Into Urban Basic Medical Services Supply-side Compensation Path In The Context Of New Medical Reform Policy

  13. 构建公共财政体制下公共卫生和基本医疗服务体系的研究

    Research on Establishing Public Health System and Primary Medical Service System Based on System of Public Finance

  14. 对基本医疗服务和特需医疗服务界定的探讨城市规划公众参与初探

    Development of Primary , Public , and Special Health Services Primary Probe into Public Participation in Urban Planning

  15. 其他将要改革的领域包括医疗保险,基本医疗服务以及公共卫生服务。

    Other areas set to be reformed are medical insurance , basic medical services and public health services .

  16. 结果居民对合同式健康管理服务需求最大的是基本医疗服务,其次是预防保健服务。

    Results The most demand is the primary care , and the second one is the preventive care .

  17. 大多数国家都采用政府和市场之间的合作方式来提供基本医疗服务。

    Most countries use a cooperative mode between the government and the market system for supply health resources .

  18. 政府迅速普及医学,培养了“赤脚医生”为农民提供基本医疗服务。

    The government hastily trained medics , known as barefoot doctors , to provide basic care to peasants .

  19. 全民医保模式下免费提供部分基本医疗服务可行性分析:以珠海市为例

    The feasibility analysis on free provision of some basic medical services under universal health insurance scheme in Zhuhai City

  20. 它主要包括两方面的内容,公民患病时能享受基本医疗服务并能够报销基本医疗服务费用。

    It mainly includes two aspects , sick citizens enjoy basic medical services and to reimbursement of basic medical services .

  21. 目录品种不能满足基层用药需求,目录遴选未与基本医疗服务挂钩;

    The selecting standard of NEM list was not clear and could not meet the needs of primary medical service .

  22. 非基本医疗服务只具有经济学上的意义,且具有层次性、发展性和地区性3个主要特点。

    Such services , defined economically only , are chiefly characterized by multiplicity of levels , capacity for development and provincialism .

  23. 基本医疗服务均等化是指政府要为全体社会成员提供基本的在不同时期有不同的标准,在现阶段大致均等,并最终一致平等的基本医疗服务。

    Equalization of basic medical service means government must provide its people new standards of basic medical services in different periods .

  24. 虽然在提供基本医疗服务方面,利比里亚取得了进展,但是该国的农村居民还是很少有机会获得可以挽救生命的医疗服务。

    Although there has been progress in providing basic services , rural Liberians still have limited access to life-saving health care .

  25. 非基本医疗服务是指以特定人群为服务对象的,相对于基本医疗服务而言的医疗服务。

    Nonbasic medical services refer to medical services which , unlike basic medical services , are offered to special groups of people .

  26. 对于弱、中势群体而言,看病难、贵主要体现为基本医疗服务难、贵;

    For the weak , the medium groups , medical care difficult and expension mainly reflected the basic medical services difficult and expensiion ;

  27. 论文就当前农村基本医疗服务供给中的政府责任问题分三个部分加以论述。

    The issue of government responsibility in the supply of rural basic medical health services can be discussed in three parts in this paper .

  28. 我国医疗卫生部门需培养更多的全科医生,以扩大基本医疗服务的覆盖面,改进基层的医疗服务。

    The health care authorities need to train more general practitioners for the expansion of basic health care coverage and improvement of grassroots medical services .

  29. 政府干预卫生的出发点是让医疗卫生行业运营更加公平,让广大患者都能享有基本医疗服务。

    The starting point of government intervention in health is to make medical and health industry operation fairer and bring the patients basic medical services .

  30. 根据浦东新区的实际经验,本文提出以社区卫生服务为重心的基本医疗服务体系的重构方案及其政策思路。

    Based on the experiences in Pudong new areas , the paper proposed policy approaches on emphasizing community health centers reconstruction essential health care system .