
shuǐ qú
  • canal;ditch;water channel;raceline
水渠 [shuǐ qú]
  • [canal] 人工挖掘的渠道

水渠[shuǐ qú]
  1. 战士们在淤泥淹埋区挖好了水渠,将水直接引入白龙河。

    Soldiers have dug a water channel in the sludge-covered area to direct waters into the Bailong River .

  2. 消能后水流对左电厂尾水渠的影响也相应减轻,使左电厂尾水渠流态有明显改善。

    The influence of energy dissipated water on tailwater channel is also reduced , so the flow pattern in tail water channel is improved obviously .

  3. 人们发现他被斩首的尸体漂浮在一条水渠里。

    His decapitated body was found floating in a canal .

  4. 这条水渠给这个县带来的好处是多方面的。

    The canal has proved useful to the county in many ways .

  5. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。

    The channel is almost choked with silt .

  6. 荒废了的水渠又利用起来了。

    The irrigation canals that had fallen into disrepair are in use again .

  7. 当第一股清泉流入水渠时,顿时一片欢腾。

    When the first stream of clear water flowed into the canal , a great cheer went up .

  8. 他们建造成水渠以灌溉沙漠。

    They have built canals to irrigate the desert .

  9. 沿程能量损失和水流动能的变化引起V型滤池配水渠水面高程沿程变化,造成滤池配水的不均匀。

    The water level of distribution trench of V shape filter fluctuates with the frictional energy lossed and changed of flow velocity energy .

  10. 水道;灌溉水渠vt.在…开凿运河开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。

    canal Canals have been built to take water to the desert .

  11. 采用大型有限元软件ANSYS,建立二维有限元模型,模拟在静水压力和动水作用下,一般混凝土和聚丙烯纤维混凝土水渠的应力应变曲线,并将结果进行比较,得出聚丙烯纤维混凝土的性能优点;

    Use the software ANSYS to sets up two-dimensional finite element model , simulate stress-strain curve under hydrostatic pressure and flowing pressure , and compare the result , obtain the performance advantage of the fibrous concrete ofpolypropylene ;

  12. 离婚几年后,他溜进了前妻的房子,拿走了在二人甜蜜时光时他送给她的一个贵重的卡奇纳玩偶(kachinadoll),然后扔进了附近的一条水渠中。

    Several years after his divorce , he sneaked into his ex-wife 's house , took a valuable Native American kachina doll he 'd given her in happier times & and threw it into a nearby canal .

  13. 河的两边遍布纵横交错的水渠。

    Canals checkerboard the countryside on both sides of the river .

  14. 必要时,水渠可以把河水输到田里。

    Canals carry the river water to the fields when necessary .

  15. 现在我们得把水渠的进水口关上了。

    Now we must shut off the in-flow of the canal .

  16. 水渠网、街道和堤坝逐渐建造起来。

    A network of canals , streets and embankments gradually developed .

  17. 他说他们去年冬天在挖-条水渠。

    He said that they were digging a canal last winter .

  18. 不,不,你不知道水渠是干嘛的。

    No , No. Don 't you know what aqueduck is ?

  19. 电站非恒定流对长尾水渠通航的影响

    Research on Navigation of Long Tailwater Channel Affected by Unsteady Flow

  20. 燕山水库溢洪道尾水渠膨胀土试验研究

    Experimental Study on Expansive Soil of Spillway Tailrace in Yanshan Reservoir

  21. 溢洪道出水渠洪水标准

    Standard of flood control for the outflow canal of spillway

  22. 把那个斗门打开,放水流进水渠。把水放进那个水渠里。

    Open that sluice gate and let water out into the channel .

  23. 配水渠水面线分析与水力设计

    Water surface line analysis and hydraulic design of distribution channel

  24. 上百英里的水渠在湿地上挖好了。

    Hundreds of miles of drainage canals were built in the wetlands .

  25. 他们能从5英里内任何一个水渠口出来。

    They could pop out of any manhole in a five-mile radius .

  26. 调水渠网非恒定流的线性变换求解方法

    Linear transformation method for calculation of unsteady flow in water diversion networks

  27. 在这样远景鼓舞下,他们打算修建更多的水渠。

    Inspired by these prospects , they planned to build more canals .

  28. 膜孔灌田间配水渠的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Matching Water Ditch in the Field of Membrance Hole Irrigation

  29. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。淤泥堵塞了下水道。

    The channel is almost choked with silt . Mud choked the drainpipe .

  30. 林县人民修建这条水渠,的确创造了奇迹。

    The people of Lin County really did wonders in building the canal .