
  • 网络Supreme People’s Assembly
  1. 在周日精心安排的选举中,金正日获得100%的支持,毫无意外地重返朝鲜最高人民会议。金正日正在改组政府,以对抗韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)的保守派政府。

    Kim Jong-il , who was unsurprisingly returned to North Korea 's top assembly with 100 per cent support in Sunday 's orchestrated poll , is shuffling officials to counter the conservative administration of Lee Myung-bak , South Korea 's president .

  2. 正如人们预期的那样,朝鲜最高人民会议上周例行公事地批准他第三次连任。

    As expected , Parliament this week rubber-stamped a third term for him in this role .