
  1. 韩国统一部表示,朝鲜负责朝韩关系的祖国和平统一委员会(CommitteeforPeacefulReunification)的委员长李善权(RiSonGwon)也将出席本届冬奥会。

    Also attending will be Ri Son Gwon , chairman of the agency that oversees inter-Korean relations , the ministry said .

  2. 尽管奥巴马(Obama)政府未就上述报道立即予以置评,但之前美国国务院对有利于朝韩关系解冻的一些举措表示了认可。

    Although there was no immediate comment on the report from the Obama administration , it followed an acknowledgement by the state department of helpful steps towards a thaw between North and South Korea .

  3. 但政治分析人士表示,朝韩关系仍显紧张。

    But political analysts said North-South relations still looked rocky .

  4. 李明博也使朝韩关系变得冷淡。

    Mr Lee has also cooled relations with North Korea .

  5. 此次重新开放开城工业园区被看作是自朝鲜实施导弹和核试验以来,朝韩关系开始回暖的最重要标志。

    The reopening is seen as the most important sign of warming relations between North and South Korea since the North carried out missile and nuclear tests .

  6. 7月份,希拉里表示:我们坚持认为,为重启六方会谈,朝鲜必须采取行动改善朝韩关系。

    In July , she said : We remain firm that , in order for six-party talks to resume , North Korea must take steps to improve North-South relations .

  7. 美国还保持着警惕,惟恐朝韩关系激化。朝鲜2010年发动的两次袭击造成50名韩国人死亡,此后两国关系一直处于紧张状态。

    The US is also wary of inflaming relations between the two Koreas , which remain tense after Pyongyang launched two attacks in 2010 , killing 50 South Koreans .

  8. 朝鲜再次允许一小部分在朝经商的韩国商人通过边境,至此,进来高度紧张的朝韩关系终于得以缓和。

    Recently heightened tensions between North and South Korea have eased in at least one way - North Korea is once again allowing a small number of South Koreans who do business in the North to cross the border .

  9. 之前由于朝韩两国关系紧张,园区于四月被迫关闭。

    The complex was shut down in April as tensions rose between the two Koreas .

  10. 但不可否认的是,朝韩两国关系还存在着矛盾与冲突,其中朝核问题成为阻碍两国关系的症结所在。

    However , it is undeniable that there are still contradictions and conflicts between the two Koreas , including the North Korean nuclear issue , which has become the crux for bilateral relations .

  11. 朝鲜昨日的导弹发射,预期将进一步加剧朝韩之间的紧张关系。

    The missile launches are expected to further strain inter-Korean relations .

  12. 上个月,朝韩,朝美之间关系非常紧张,

    Last month , there was a lot of tension between North and South Korea , and between North Korean and the U.S.

  13. 与此同时,8月22日朝鲜宣布没收靠近朝韩边界的金刚山旅游区内的韩方资产,标志着朝韩关系仍旧高度紧张。

    Meanwhile North Korea 's announcement on August 22nd that it was seizing the assets of a South Korean tourism venture at Mt Kumgang near the border was a sign that tensions with South Korea still run high .