
  • Korean;North Korean;Choson
  1. 詹姆斯?邦德:我正在寻找一个朝鲜人。

    James bond : I 'm looking for a North korean .

  2. 旅日朝鲜人总联合会;

    Gaisf ; general Association of Korean residents in japan ;

  3. 朝鲜人明白,如果萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)在2003年的时候拥有核武器,伊拉克如今还会是他们父子的天下。

    The North Koreans know that if Saddam Hussein had nuclear capability in 2003 , he and his sons would be in power today .

  4. 2008年,wfp曾希望能有620万朝鲜人得到此类援助,但发现,获得捐助的难度越来越大。

    In 2008 the WFP hoped 6.2m people would receive such aid but found it ever harder to attract donations .

  5. 作为好莱坞经典西部片的影迷,我的第一倾向是表现得像《正午》(HighNoon)中的加里•库柏(GaryCooper),让那些朝鲜人好好见识下,在这一带他们是在跟谁打交道。

    As a fan of old Hollywood westerns , my first inclination was to behave as if I were Gary Cooper in High Noon and show those North Koreans exactly who they were dealing with in these parts .

  6. Eve位于首尔西部某区,办公室的墙上挂着一面白板,上面列出了未来数日安排好的十几场约会,女方都是朝鲜人,而男方都是韩国人。

    On the wall of their office in a western district of Seoul is a whiteboard listing a dozen meetings arranged for the next few days between women born in North Korea and South Korean men .

  7. 不过,尽管这些乐团看起来光彩照人,常常制作很费钱的MV,但朝鲜人更关注歌词和唱法,而不是歌手们的着装打扮。

    But although bands often look glamorous , beautiful and frequently feature in big-budget music videos , North Koreans tend to pay more attention to the lyrics and the vocals , than to how the singers are dressed .

  8. 英文报道中还援引了三位朝鲜人的评论。其中一人是金日成综合大学(KimIlSungUniversity)的老师JongInHo。他说,我焦急地观看电视上朝鲜运动员的比赛。

    It cited quotations , translated into English , from three North Koreans , including one identified as a teacher at Kim Il Sung University named Jong In Ho who said , ' I saw with anxiety on TV the DPRK athletes ' matches .

  9. 朝鲜人仍佩戴着不朽领袖的徽章,为金正日歌功颂德,甚至不忘打理他们的金正日花(Kimjongilia)一位痴迷的植物学家培育的一种杂交秋海棠。

    North Koreans still wear Eternal Leader badges , sing songs in praise of Kim Jong-il , and even tend to their Kimjongilia , a hybrid begonia created by a doting botanist .

  10. 1937年以前在俄国沿海州的朝鲜人(三)

    Koreans in Russia 's Coastal Regions before 1937 ( Part ⅲ)

  11. 这是个以朝鲜人为首的伪钞制造集团

    It was a counterfeiting ring Spearheaded by the North Koreans .

  12. 至于朝鲜人的日子过得怎么样,你只能慢慢体会。

    You only slowly become aware of how North Koreans live .

  13. 韩国人引入外来词,朝鲜人则创造本土词。

    South Koreans import foreign words whereas North Koreans create indigenous ones .

  14. 一个极有说服力的例子就是在日本的朝鲜人。

    A compelling example is that of Koreans in Japan .

  15. 我们朝鲜人为什么要像这样生活?

    Why should we Koreans have to live like this ?

  16. 你知道钟路区是朝鲜人最后的堡垒。

    As you know chongno is the last fortress to Korean people .

  17. 据估计超过200000朝鲜人,

    More than 200000 North Koreans it 's estimated ,

  18. 十月革命前朝鲜人向俄国远东地区迁移述评

    Review of Koreans emigrating to the Russia Far East before the October Revolution

  19. 反过来,朝鲜人则觉得韩国人说话矫揉造作。

    In turn , North Koreans find South Korean language effeminate and insincere .

  20. 中国已采取严厉措施阻止朝鲜人入境。

    China has taken tough steps to stop North Koreans from entering the country .

  21. 每一个来到平壤的朝鲜人都会至少一次来到万景台。

    Every North Korean who comes to Pyongyang will visit Mangyongdae at least once .

  22. 关于朝鲜人闯日本驻沈阳领事馆

    Korean Intruders into the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang

  23. 有传闻称,朝鲜人要靠走私来的电子产品收看海外媒体的节目。

    North Koreans rely on smuggled electronicsto watch overseas media , anecdotal reports suggest .

  24. 斗汉是朝鲜人的英雄。

    Doohan is a hero to koreans .

  25. 这次演讲让大多数朝鲜人首次听到了他的声音。

    His speech was the first occasion most North Koreans would have heard his voice .

  26. 论伪满时期日本对无籍朝鲜人的就籍措施

    On Naturalization Measures Aimed at Stateless Koreans by Japanese Imperialist in the Era of Manchukuo

  27. 25名寻求庇护朝鲜人抵汉城

    Twenty-five North Koreans seeking asylum arrived Seoul

  28. 他说:朝鲜人去中国时,允许带回旧衣物。

    When North Koreans come to China they are allowed to take used clothes back .

  29. 没人能像朝鲜人一样这么技艺精湛

    You know , no one 's mastered the art quite like the North Koreans .

  30. 朝鲜人基本上是饥饿而又受压迫的;他们大多与世隔绝,而且被人当作幼儿对待。

    North Koreans are by and large hungry , oppressed , cloistered and treated as infants .