
  • 网络KCTV;Korean Central Television;Korean Central TV
  1. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  2. 据朝鲜中央电视台上周报道,这项服务名为“Manbang”,可以通过机顶盒把点播的视频传送到电视上。

    Called Manbang , the service deliverson-demand videos to televisions through a set-top box , Korean Central Televisionsaid in a report last week .