
  • 网络Rodong Sinmun;Nodong Sinmun
  1. “喜欢玩火的战争贩子肯定会付出昂贵的代价”,劳动新闻日报在其社论中说。

    " Warmongers who like to play with fire will be certain to pay an expensive price ," Rodong Sinmun daily said in an editorial .

  2. 《劳动新闻》的报道说,朝鲜科学家已经开发成功核聚变技术。

    Scientists of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) have succeeded in nuclear fusion reaction , the newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported .

  3. 由于外来务工人员中的绝大部分是农民,并且从事着低等的体力劳动,所以新闻媒体中,也有把他们称为外出打工农民、农民工或者民工,甚至打工仔的。

    As foreign workers in the vast majority of farmers , and engaged in manual and low , so the news media , they have called " the farmers go out to work ," " migrant workers " or " workers " or even " wage earners " .