
láo jiào suǒ
  • reeducation unit/center
  1. 基于B/S模式劳教所OAS的设计实现

    Design and Implementation of Reeducation Unit OAS based on B / S Model

  2. 目的:了解我市某劳教所女性收教人员艾滋病病毒(HIV)和性传播疾病(STD)感染状况及影响因素,为制定控制策略和措施提供依据。

    Objective : to understand the HIV and STD infection situation among female prisoners and to probe high risk factors for HIV and STD spreading and provide evidence for prevention and control .

  3. 尤其是从劳教所回来以后。

    Especially when they get back from a stint in rehab .

  4. 对,我在科克兰劳教所待了四年

    Yeah . I did the four-year program at Cochran Correctional .

  5. 你曾经因暴力两次被关进少年劳教所。

    You 've been in juvenile detention twice for violence .

  6. 我每天回我的曼哈顿劳教所。

    I go back to the Manhattan correctional every day .

  7. 他的儿子被送到了劳教所。

    His son was sent to the labor camp .

  8. 某劳教所智能监控系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementing of the Intelligent Monitoring System in a Reeducation-through-labor Camps

  9. 某女子劳教所干警与监押人员艾滋病知识、态度与行为的定性研究

    HIV-related knowledge , attitude and behaviors among policewomen and female prisoners from a correctional facility

  10. 济南市劳教所管理系统的设计与实施

    The Design and Implementation of E-government Platform of Jinan Reeducation Through Labor Station Office 's

  11. 女性犯罪现状分析及其对策&以山东省某女子劳教所为例

    The Present State Analysis of Female Crimes and Its Countermeasures & Visiting a labor camp in Shandong

  12. 他们还说,唐慧被送劳教所之前没有经过审判。

    They also said Ms. Tang was sent to the labor camp without the benefit of a trial .

  13. 《现代化文明劳教所标准》的起草背景、思路和相关内容

    The Drafting Background , Idea and Related Content of the " Standards for Modern and Civilized Re-form and Rehabilitation Institutions "

  14. 加强执法监督体系建设规范民警执法执纪行为&济南市劳教所建立推行劳教人员解教前谈话制度

    Reinforcing the Construction of the Law Enforcement Supervision System , and Standardizing the Polices Conducts in the Enforcement of Law and Discipline

  15. 虽然提高劳教所医疗卫生服务能力的方式有多种,但其他手段都有不足之处。

    There are several ways to increase the capacity of health services in , but other ways have defects more or less .

  16. 目前,全国共有强制戒毒所746个,戒毒劳教所(队)168个。

    At present , China has a total of 746 compulsory rehabilitation centers and 168 treatment and reeducation-through-labor centers ( teams ) .

  17. 结果:调查表明,四川省女子劳教所91.9%的戒毒者是进行第二次以上的戒毒。

    RESULTS : The survey showed that 91.9 % of the drug rehabilitants had the second or more drug rehabilitation in Sichuan Female Prison .

  18. 整个系统达到了潍坊市劳教所信息管理的需求,能够稳定、安全、可靠的运行。

    The entire system reached the needs of Weifang City labor camp in information management that the system is able to operate stably , safely and reliably .

  19. 日常体检和疾病筛查,主要指所在地的医院和疾控中心定期到劳教所对劳教人员进行体检和常见病、传染病筛查。

    Mainly refers to the location hospitals and CDC on a regular basis undergo a medical examination and common diseases , infectious disease screening ; Health education .

  20. 这种情况下,劳教所与卫生部门的合作就显得尤为重要,关系到劳教人员能否获得高质量的卫生服务。

    In this case , the cooperation between the re-education centers and the health departments is particularly important , bearing on whether the prisoners access to health services with high quality .

  21. 但由于劳教所内医疗条件有限,单纯依靠劳教所内的力量很难满足劳教人员卫生服务需求。

    As medical condition in re-education centers is limited , it is very hard to meet the demand for health services of prisoners relying solely on the strength of re-education centers .

  22. 建立一套完善的劳教所警察人事管理系统不仅能够提高工作效率,加强管理的信息化手段,而且还能够降低工作中的错误发生率。

    Establishing the perfect forced labor camp police personnel management system can improve work efficiency , and strengthen the management of the means of information and reduce the error rate in the work .

  23. 胡益华说,我们现在准备向湖南省劳动教养管理委员会申请行政复议。周一早些时候,胡益华到劳教所看望了唐慧。

    We are now preparing to apply for administration review to the Labor Education Management Committee of Hunan Province , said Mr. Hu , who visited her in the labor camp earlier on Monday .

  24. 作者结合某市劳教所的调查情况,主要从制度因素、主体因素和客观因素三大方面进行了具体阐述。

    Combining the survey results of a reeducation and rehabilitation school in some municipality , the author specifically elaborates from three aspects , which are institutional factors , the main factors and objective factors respectively .

  25. 黄石市废弃矿山生态修复之技术建议&以劳教所四大队所采石场为例金矿尾矿为黄金矿石经选矿后弃而无用的废渣。

    Technological Suggestions for Ecological Restoration of Abandoned Mine in Huangshi City-A Example for Quarry Site in The Fourth Group of Reeducation Unit This kind of tailings are useless waste residues discarded after dressing gold ore.

  26. 由于受医疗条件限制,近3年大理劳教所内发现的所有结核病患者和沙坪劳教所60.5%的结核病患者都采取所外就医方式。

    In recent three years , almost all patients found in Dali reeducation institution have been paroled for TB services outside and 60.5 % TB patients had been paroled in Sha-ping reeducation institution with medical restrictions .

  27. 马克南出生在伦敦一户贫穷的爱尔兰裔家庭(他爸爸有15个兄弟姐妹,妈妈的兄弟姐妹多达18个),14岁就被关进了青少年犯劳教所。

    Born in London to poor Irish parents ( McKenna 's father was one of 15 children ; his mother one of 18 ) , McKenna ended up in a young offender institution at just 14 years old .

  28. 本产品属铸铁搪瓷,外形美观大方,易冲洗,可应用于车站、列车、学校等公共场所,是监狱、劳教所安全理想的首选产品。

    This product is a cast iron enamel , elegant appearance , easy to wash , can be used in stations , trains , schools and other public places , in prisons , labor camps ideal choice for security products .

  29. 自愿戒毒、强制戒毒与劳教戒毒出所后不同时间内的复吸率比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The difference in relapse rates of volunteer detoxification , imperative detoxification and the detoxification via reeducation through labor was not obvious ( P > 0.05 ) .

  30. 健康教育,主要是指给所内劳教人员与劳教所工作人员进行传染病防治、职业防护等方面的培训。

    Mainly refers to training the prisoners and officers in re-education centers about communicable disease control , occupational protection , and so on . 3 .