
  • 网络inner world;Internal world;World Within
  1. 根据MBTI的说法,性格内向的人从他的内在世界的想法与形象中汲取更多的能量,如果是长时间与他人在一起的话,他们可能会感觉到能量好象要枯竭。

    According to the MBTI , introverts get their energy from the internal world of ideas and images , and they feel drained if they spend too much time with people .

  2. 内在世界很美妙,而外在世界作为补充,也是很美好的。

    As great as your internal world is , don 't forget that the external world is also good in moderation .

  3. 文学的内在世界与语言同构&内蒙古当代小说语言批评得失论

    On the Intrinsic World of Literature and Language Syncretism

  4. 内在世界秩序的构建:历史境遇中的《恶心》

    The Construction of the Order of Innerbeing : Nausea in the Historic Situation ;

  5. 他们错把外界当成了现实,却忽略了真实的内在世界。

    They take images outside them for reality and never allow the world within them to assert itself .

  6. 有一个很重要的事实是这样的:一切生命和一切能量都是由内在世界而生。

    The great fact is , that the source of all life and all power is from within .

  7. 现在我对内在世界的轮廓和我的感受更有知觉。

    I now grow more aware of my inner landscape , and of the feelings that I have .

  8. 他在诗里广泛地处理了历史和政治、内在世界、人际关系和日常生活等课题。

    He deals equally with historical and political material , with inner worlds , and with relationships and everyday life .

  9. 她说,为了让头脑变得清晰,必须把不需要的东西扔掉,以解放你的“内在世界”。

    In order to clear the mind , unwanted items must be thrown away to free your " internal world , " she said .

  10. 而这种风格的背后是作者内在世界与外在世界、主体与客体的和谐统一。

    But this kind of style behind is the author intrinsic world and the external world , the main body and the object harmonious unification .

  11. 这既是客观世界发展的必要要求使然,也是人类个体内在世界的觉醒使然。

    This is the need of development of the objective world , it is that the awakening in the world makes right in human individuals too .

  12. “移景”代表着一种对内在世界的观察。“幻想”又是对现实,对围绕着我们世界的另一种设想。

    The notion of " Idylls " stands for an introspective vision of an inner world , while " Visions " represents perspectives and outlooks on reality .

  13. 服装是人类社会消费品种最为复杂的商品,它不仅是自我形象和社会意识载体,也是个人内在世界与外部世界沟通的渠道,同时服装也是人们展示自我的舞台。

    Clothing is carrier of consciousness and self , it is the inner and outer world communication medium . While the clothing also likes a stage show ego individual .

  14. 莫里斯建议说,只需清理一下办公桌和塞得满满的文件柜就能立即对“你的内在世界”产生积极影响。

    Among the recommendations is that the simply tidying a desk at work and an overflowing filing cabinet will instantly have a positive impact on " your internal world . "

  15. 而延伸到人类文化的目标上看,则是作为从精神上掌握外在世界和人自身内在世界的方式。

    But when we put literary on the objective of the human culture , it is thought as the form that master external world on spirit and internal world for human itself .

  16. 按照这样的方式,他发现了一个全新的内在世界,达到了瑜伽探险历程的顶峰――存在的核心:纯粹意识的神性状态。

    In so doing , he discovered new worlds within , arriving at the zenith of the Yogic adventure , the very core of his being : the blissful state of pure consciousness .

  17. 语言是内在世界和外部世界相关刺激物的指代和表现,是人类最重要的交际工具和文化载体。

    The interrelated stimulus of both internal and external world are always represented or embodied by language , which is one of the most important means of communication and carrier of culture of human beings .

  18. 正如思想离开利益就会使自己出丑,现代性的精神重构离开内在世界与外在世界的关联,也一定找不到路径构思或方案设计的现实出路。

    As thinking to leave the interests will make a fool of itself , the modern spirit of reconstruction leaving the relationship between inner world and outer world , certainly can not find the path with the real possibility .

  19. 童年是生命成长的一个特定阶段,在人生走过童年之后,这段时光在人的内在世界中形成一个具有独立时空且具有独特意义、并牵连一生的生命境域。

    Childhood is the growth of a specific life stage . After the childhood , This time forms a realm of life in the human inner world , which has separate time-space , special significance , and is involved in life .

  20. 西方艺术所表现的瞬间物质形态所具有的时空存在形式,以及由它们相互关联构成的外部世界,与中国艺术静观和体悟的审美方式所描绘的内在世界,实在是大异其趣。

    The Western art displays the instantaneous material forms in their space-time existence and the external world composed by them in an interrelated way , while the Chinese art describes the internal world in the aesthetic way that emphasizes understanding by quiet observation .

  21. 从理性的心到作为内在世界的心,其基本特征都是把人心看作一面能反映外界实在的镜子,知识就是心灵反映实在所获得的准确表象。

    From a heart of reason to a heart of inherent world , its basic character is considering a human heart as a mirror of nature , which can reflect the outside existence , and form the representation , then knowledge can be attained .

  22. 在当前我国构建社会主义和谐社会的浪潮中,我们必须解决存在的一些问题:如外在世界贫富差距悬殊,内在世界道德滑坡严重,而卢梭的思想恰恰给了我们深刻的启示和借鉴。

    In our current wave of building a harmonious society , we must solve a number of problems : the external world , such as wealth disparities , the internal world , serious moral decline , and Rousseau 's ideas can give us profound enlightenment and lessons .

  23. 在颂歌结构形式分析中,本文引入了叙事结构的概念,试图通过探究言说者、景物、人物、意象等形式要素间的相互关系,揭示颂歌文本自给自足的内在世界。

    In the analysis of the ode structural form , this article introduces the concept of narrative structure , with a view to trying to expose the self-sufficient inherent world through the research of the mutual relations between the narrators , scenes , figures , images and other formal elements .

  24. 通过个人的感知和内在精神世界,使我们能够探索这种形式的起源。

    Exploring the origins of this form is made possible through ones senses and inner spiritual world .

  25. 自尊与自卑的矛盾冲突&夏洛蒂·勃朗特及简·爱的内在精神世界探究

    The Conflict between Self-respect and Self-humiliation & Research on Inner Spirit World of Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre

  26. 大脑不断运动联系了我,我内在的世界,以及我的外在的世界。

    It 's that ongoing brain chatter that connects me and my internal world to my external world .

  27. 然而无论怎样你的意识心意欲洞察外在的世界和内在的世界。

    However , your conscious mind is meant to look into the exterior world and into the interior one .

  28. 根据一项估计,蜘蛛一天内在全世界吞食的害虫在重量上足以超过人类的总人口。

    According to one estimate , spiders devour enough bugs worldwide in a single day to outweigh the entire human population .

  29. 内在的世界像只果子倦伏在我生命里,在快乐和忧愁中成熟,它将落到原来。

    The inner world rounded in my life like a fruit , matured in joy and sorrow , will drop into .

  30. 如今,许多年轻管理人员却认为办公室着装的用途刚好相反:应该表现出一个人的内在精神世界。

    Today , many young managers believe office attire should do pretty much the opposite : express a person 's inner soul .