
  • 网络labor supply;labor force supply
  1. 养老保险影响劳动力供给行为的logistic模型研究

    Analyzing the Effects of Old Age Insurance on the Labor Supply Using Logistic Model

  2. 货币政策与就业:一个带有内生劳动力供给的MIU模型

    Monetary Policy and Employment : A MIU Model with Endogenous Labor Supply

  3. 请从人口结构、劳动力供给、绿色gdp要求、和谐社会建设等角度出发,谈一谈对中国经济发展的影响。

    Please talk the influence on Chinese economics from the points of population structure , labor force supply , requirements of green GDP and the construction of harmonious society .

  4. 劳动力供给带弹性的Solow模型

    Solow model with labor supplied elastically

  5. 研究结果显示,全球有效劳动力供给促使发展中国家大量积累经常项目顺差,而且随着FDI的大量流入,劳动力全球化和FDI对顺差扩大的影响作用被不断强化。

    The results shows that global effective labor supply promotes current account surplus in developing countries , and with the massive FDI inflow , the impact of labor globalization and FDI on surplus accumulation is constantly strengthened .

  6. 本文给出了在劳动力供给带弹性条件下的So1ow增长模型,给出了经济增长的黄金律和均衡处资本稳定性的证明,并且与不带弹性的Solow模型作了比较。

    In this paper , we give thd Solow economic growth model with labor supplied elastically , get the golden rule of economic growth , and prove the stability of the steady state , also we compare with the original Solow model with labor supplied inelastically .

  7. 粮食供给与农村劳动力供给两个过剩并存;

    The supply of grains and rural labor exceeds the demand ;

  8. 健康的不确定性与预防性劳动力供给&来自中国农村地区的经验证据

    Health Uncertainty and Precautionary Labor Supply in Rural Areas of China

  9. 农民工劳动力供给行为的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Individual Labor Supply of Migrant Workers

  10. 从人口年龄结构变动分析我国未来劳动力供给的变化

    Analysis on the Change of Population Age Influences the Supply of Work Force

  11. 我国劳动力供给优势减弱与劳动力转移的优化

    Weakening of Advantage of Labor Supply and Optimization of Labor Transfer in China

  12. 中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析

    Analysis on Labor Force Participation Rate and Labor Supply in the Future in China

  13. 新世纪初安徽省劳动力供给趋势及相关政策选择

    Predicting the Supply of Anhui Province Labor Force in New Century Choice Corresponding Policies

  14. 结构性失业:我国劳动力供给偏差分析

    The Supply Deflection Analysis of Chinese Structural Unemployment

  15. 边际成本理论能合理解释劳动力供给曲线。

    Thus using marginal cost theory to explain labor for supply curve is reasonable .

  16. 论劳动力供给膨胀对社会财富分配的不良影响

    Bad Influences on the Distribution of Social Welfare by Supply Inflation of Labor Force

  17. 女性劳动力供给特点与教育投资

    The Supply of Female Labor and Educational Investment

  18. 收入的分布并未以明确的方式进入劳动力供给决策的标准理论。

    But the standard theory about labor supply decision does not contain the income distribution clearly .

  19. 青岛市未来三年劳动力供给与需求形势预测及趋势分析

    Forecast and Analysis of the Labor Supply and Demand of Qingdao in the Next 3 Years

  20. 相关理论主要介绍了就业失业理论、劳动力供给相关理论和劳动力流动相关理论,为本文实证分析提供理论基础。

    Theories : employment and unemployment theory , labor supply related theories , labor mobility related .

  21. 劳动力供给效应与广东经济增长路径转换研究

    An Research on Labor Force Supply Effect and Transition of Guangdong Province 's Economic Growth Mode

  22. 在我国存在城乡二元经济结构和经济发展区域差异的条件下,城市的劳动力供给是相对充足的。

    Supply of labors is unlimited to cities , under dual structure and regional gaps of development .

  23. 当然,美国的雇主由于额外的劳动力供给而获得了利益。

    Employers in the United States gain , of course , from the extra supply of labor .

  24. 总量失业的治理不外乎是两个方法:一是减少劳动力供给。

    Two methods are available for tackling national unemployment : one is to reduce supply of labor force .

  25. 加快城镇化建设步伐,是解决农村剩余劳动力供给与需求的一条有效途径。

    Accelerating pace of urbanization is one of efficient routes that solve the contradiction of supply and demand .

  26. 第六章研究了低生育水平下劳动力供给、刘易斯转折与经济增长的可持续性。

    Chapter ⅵ analyzes the labor supply of low fertility level , Lewis turn and sustainability of economic growth .

  27. 由于劳动力供给能力太大,实际失业保障覆盖率相当低下,福利水平还十分低下,失业者承受的压力很大。

    Due to the over supply of labors , the lever of actual unemployment insurance coverage and welfare is quite low .

  28. 该国的一个孩子的政策,介绍了1979年,已造成增长的劳动力供给缓慢下降。

    The country 's one-child policy , introduced in1979 , has caused the growth in its labour supply to slow sharply .

  29. 但是,工资上涨的主要原因是劳动力供给的缩减,这是由于珠三角地区势头高涨的劳动激进主义运动。

    But the main reason is a diminishing labour supply , helped in the delta by an uptick in labour activism .

  30. 预计2000年~2010年,劳动力供给和就业还将面临就业容量有限、经济结构不合理、就业渠道狭窄、城镇化建设滞后等严峻挑战。2020年后,全省劳动力供需矛盾将有所缓解。

    It is estimated that from 2000 to 2010 the supply of labour force and employment will be faced with severe challenges .