
rén de yīn sù
  • human factors
  1. 试论ERP项目实施中人的因素

    Human Factors in ERP Implementation

  2. 文章首次提出人的因素与ATMS融合设计的思想,并以上海市延安路高架道路智能交通系统中的CCTV系统和交通信息系统为例,阐述了在ATMS的软件设计中应用人因工程的思想。

    This paper , for the first time , puts forward the conception of integrating the human factors into the ATMS design and system engineering process and gives many recommendations on the CCTV system and Advanced Traveler Information System ( ATIS ) based on an ITS pilot project in Shanghai .

  3. 浅谈企业MIS建设中人的因素

    On the Human Factor in Enterprise MIS Construction

  4. 面对众多ERP实施失败的案例,本文大胆地指出,其最根本的原因在于人的因素。

    Facing so many unsuccessful ERP case , this thesis points out , the root reason is from persons .

  5. 一些顾问公司认为,CIM实施过程中,70%的障碍来自人的因素。

    Some consultant companies concluded that 70 % obstacles of CIM implementation came from human factors .

  6. 本文提出一种可选择的计量方法,将物和人的因素定向加权到人均GDP分布的核密度估计中。

    This paper provides alternative method which puts the factors of substance and people weight into the measurement of city distribution of GDP per capita .

  7. 成功实施ERP的关键因素很多,其中最易被忽视的即为人的因素。

    The crucial factor that succeeds to implement ERP is many , in which , is most easy to be overlooked is the factor of person .

  8. 正如BruceSchneier立即指出的,防欺诈保护的强度主要是由人的因素决定的,而不是技术因素。

    As Bruce Schneier would be quick to point out , the strength of fraud protection is determined primarily by the people , not the technology .

  9. 全面质量管理(TQM)是在行为科学基础上发展起来的一种管理模式,其核心理念之一就是重视人的因素,即全员参与的思想。

    Total Quality Management ( TQM ) is a management pattern based on the behavioral science ; one of the core concepts is the human factor , that is , full employee participation .

  10. 通过对MIS开发过程中人员需求与能力分析,说明了在MIS的建设和发展中人的因素的重要性,探讨了MIS专业人员应具备的素质。

    The importance of the human factor in the process of developing the management information system ( MIS ) is illustrated through the analysis of the personnel requirement and the capabilities needed , and the essential quality of the specialized personnel is also discussed .

  11. 在借鉴MEDA方法的基础上,提出了注重人的因素和控制海事发生几率的一些设想与建议。

    Moreover , with the adoption of MEDA method , the article brings forward some assumptions and suggestions on how to properly handle with the human element and control the arising possibilities of marine accident .

  12. 人的因素是引起交通事故的主因。

    Human factor is the primary cause which causes traffic accidents .

  13. 结核病控制工作中人的因素

    The human dimension of tuberculosis control Tuberculosis control programme in Beijing

  14. 从视觉、听觉、身体感觉和平衡这四个方面分析了视景仿真中人的因素。

    Four human factors in the visual simulation have been analyzed .

  15. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸

    People should not is regard as subservient to the economic system

  16. 但是安全专家表示,人的因素也非常重要。

    But security experts say the human factor is most important .

  17. 但是高度自动化的飞机带来了许多人的因素问题。

    This new situation brings a serial of human factors problems .

  18. 人的因素对汉语语音识别系统性能的影响

    Influence of Human Factors on Performance of Chinese Speech Recognition Systems

  19. 数控机床软件界面人的因素分析

    Human Factor Analysis of Software Interface of CNC Machine Tool

  20. 交叉口碰撞事故绝大多数是由人的因素引起的。

    Intersection crashes are mostly caused by peoples ' factors .

  21. 本文探讨的主题是国际关系中人的因素。

    The article deals with the human factor in the international relations .

  22. 这就是在应对气候变化问题中的人的因素,这也是挑战之所在。

    This is the human dimension , and this is the challenge .

  23. 人的因素越来越成为组织实现自己战略目标的关键因素。

    People are becoming the key factors to realize their strategic goals .

  24. 因为,一切问题的因素首先是人的因素。

    This is because that the factor of all is human factor .

  25. 信息安全不仅涉及到技术,还与人的因素密切相关。

    Information security involves not only technology , but also human factors .

  26. 基于船舶碰撞事故调查报告的人的因素数据挖掘

    Data Mining to Human Factors Based on Ship Collision Accident Survey Reports

  27. 我国企业实施并行工程中人的因素研究

    Studies on Human Factor for Implementation of Concurrent Engineering in Chinese Manufacturing Companies

  28. 研究语言不能忽略人的因素。

    One can not study language without considering human .

  29. 国家创新系统中最重要的因素是人的因素。

    Person is one of the most important factors in National Innovation System .

  30. 人的因素是船舶安全营运的关键

    Human Factors are the Key to the Marine Safety