
  • 网络Artificial celestial body;artificial satellite
  1. 太阳系人造天体VLBI观测

    Observation of Spacecrafts by VLBI in the Solar System

  2. 关于人造天体运动轨迹确定的一种方法

    Determination of the Moving Path of Man - made Celestial Body

  3. 这些人造天体在空间以平均10km/s的速度运动,相对于航天器的速度更高。

    The man-made celestial bodies move with hypervelocity of 10 km / s and the relative with spacecraft are higher .

  4. 当这些人造天体失效后,由于目前人类对其缺乏及时有效的回收手段,随着时间的推移,堆积在太空中的废弃物将越来越多,总有一天人类再也不能向太空中发射任何人造天体。

    Because of lack of effective recovery means , more and more invalid spacecrafts abandoned will be accumulated in space with time increasing .

  5. 近地轨道比较常见,不过近地轨道的海拔高度各不相同,因此人造天体避免相撞的几率很大。

    Low Earth orbits are common but include a variety of altitudes , so objects have plenty of ways to fail to hit each other .

  6. 本文介绍了由地球人造卫星进行天体测量的两项计划,并提出了它们对天体测量学、天体物理学和恒星天文学的影响。

    Two projects for astrometry from Earth satellites are described and their impact on astrometry , astrophysics and stellar astronomy are outlined .

  7. 运行轨道天体绕另一天体或人造卫星绕一天体旋转所运行的轨道我们的人造卫星本身将绕月球运行两天的时间。

    The path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body . Our satellite itself will orBit around the moon for a period of two days .