
  • 网络open cluster;open star cluster
  1. 疏散星团NGC2286的测光研究和HR图

    Photometry and the HR Diagram of the Open Cluster NGC 2286

  2. 中等年龄疏散星团NGC752中的QXAnd变星的测光研究

    Photometric Studies of QX And in the Intermediate-age Open Cluster NGC 752

  3. 疏散星团M11的研究:3.团星分布的两点相关函数分析

    Studies of the Open Cluster M11 : 3.Two-point Correlation Analyses of the Member Star Distribution

  4. 在彗星下方的疏散星团分别为M47(右)与M46(左)。

    Below the comet are open star clusters M47 ( right ) and M46 ( left ) .

  5. 本文对利用相对自行确定疏散星团成员方法的历史沿革和近期发展情况作了较为详细的介绍,其中着重讨论了Sanders方法的合理性、存在问题和改进的途径。

    The historical and recent developments of methods for determination of membership of open clusters are in some detail described , where emphasis is placed on discussions of Sanders ' method , including its reasonableness , the problems remaining to be improved and the ways for improvement .

  6. 另一方面,疏散星团的年龄跨度很大,从几十Myr到10个Gyr。这有助于研究不同年龄的恒星性质,对恒星形成理论能有较好的约束。

    On the other hand , because of the wide range of open clusters in ages , from dozens of Myr to 10 Gyr , it can help us investigate the stellar properties of different ages and constrain the star formation theory .

  7. 确定疏散星团成员方法的讨论

    Discussion on methods used for membership determination of open star cluster

  8. 和疏散星团相比,星一般较老。

    Comparing with the open cluster , their stars are older .

  9. 疏散星团NGC6530的光度函数和分层效应

    Luminosity function and segregation effect of the open cluster NGC 6530

  10. 疏散星团NGC6530的自行测定

    The measurement of the proper motions of the open cluster NGC 6530

  11. 按统计决策理论确定疏散星团成员

    Determination of membership in open clusters by means of statistical decision theory

  12. 疏散星团运动学资料汇集与若干统计分析

    Compilation of the kinematic data of open clusters and some statistical analyses

  13. 疏散星团的近期研究进展(Ⅱ):动力学和形成过程

    Recent Developments on Studies of Open Clusters (ⅱ): Dynamics and Formation Process

  14. 年轻疏散星团NGC2244的成员概率与空间运动

    Membership and spatial motion of young open cluster NGC 2244

  15. 疏散星团金属丰度样本和银盘金属丰度梯度

    Metallicity distribution of open clusters and abundance gradient of the Galactic disc

  16. 疏散星团NGC1817的相对自行及成员星的确定

    Determination of relative proper motions and the membership of the open cluster NGC 1817

  17. 疏散星团的全部研究工作必须以合理确定星团成员为前提。

    All studies on open clusters must be based upon reasonably determining cluster members .

  18. 疏散星团中蓝离散星的成员确定

    Membership of blue stragglers in open clusters

  19. 疏散星团成员的确定

    Determination of Membership of Open Clusters

  20. 疏散星团NGC2286天区恒星的相对自行和成员概率

    Relative proper motions and membership probabilities of stars in the region of the open cluster NGC 2286

  21. 由于成员星距离较远,组织松散而形状不规则,所以称为疏散星团。

    They are called open because their stars are relatively far apart and their shapes are irregular .

  22. 在很长时间里,疏散星团里的物质因个体质量过小而无法靠重力作用聚集在一起。

    This could abruptly leave an open cluster with too little mass to gravitationally hold together for very long .

  23. 这个星光灿烂、五彩缤纷的疏散星团,称之为“珠宝盒”真是名副其实。

    Explanation : The great variety of star colors in this open cluster underlies its name : The Jewel Box .

  24. 与球状星团相比,疏散星团一般比较年轻,所包含的恒星数量也较少,但星团中蓝色恒星的比例却相对较高。

    Open clusters are younger , contain few stars , and contain a much higher fraction of blue stars than do globular clusters .

  25. 研究人员说,实际上,O型恒星的超新星爆炸可以认为是疏散星团迅速瓦解的原因。

    In fact , the supernovae explosions of O stars could be the reason for a cluster 's rapid disintegration , say researchers .

  26. 利用蒙特卡罗数值模拟,以太阳附近疏散星团的观测为基准,我们对样本的不完备性进行了分析。

    We analyzed the incompleteness of our sample with Monte Carlo simulations , based on the observation results of open clusters near the Sun .

  27. 疏散星团动力学及形成过程的研究对于恒星动力学理论和银河系恒星形成理论具有重要意义。

    Studies of the dynamics and formation process of open clusters are of great significance for stellar dynamics and star formation in the Galaxy .

  28. 除此以外,我们还能看到昴宿疏散星团和巴纳得环(星云),它是位于银河带状物下方的一个红色光环。

    Also visible are the Pleiades open star cluster and Barnard 's Loop , which can be seen as the half red ring below the Milky Way band .

  29. 利用202个太阳附近疏散星团的视向速度和自行观测资料,对太阳的运动和银河系的运动学参数进行了研究。

    Absolute proper motions and radial velocities of 202 open clusters in the solar vicinity are employed to investigate the solar motion and kinematic parameters of the Galaxy .

  30. 对疏散星团质量分层的有关问题做了简要的评述,包括空间质量分层和速度质量分层的表现形式和探测途径,质量分层形成机制的研究现状。

    The mass segregation effects of open clusters , including spatial mass segregation and velocity mass segregation , are of great importance for studies of formation and evolution of clusters .