
shū kuò
  • inaccurate;rough;distant;long separated
  • estrange;alienate
疏阔 [shū kuò]
  • (1) [poorly-conceived]∶粗略;不周密

  • 天下初定,制度疏阔。--《汉书.贾谊传》

  • (2) [distant]∶迂阔;不切合实际

  • 疏阔之言

  • (3) [a long separation]∶久别

  • 疏阔思良会

  • (4) [stand off]∶疏远;不亲密

  • 兄弟疏阔

  • (5) [scattered and spacious]∶稀疏宽阔

  • 最下层的拱门简单疏阔,是载重的样子。--《威尼斯》

疏阔[shū kuò]
  1. 但是在我国相关立法疏阔,现行法律虽然已有企业社会责任的简单表述,但是并未能进一步明确其含义,责任对象以及如何承担等都缺乏可操作性的规定。

    However , relevant legislation is sparse in China . In laws and regulations in force , although simple expressions of corporate social responsibility are described , they do not have a further description . Meanwhile , objective of responsibility and how to bear it are lack of operability regulations .