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mán yí
  • Barbarian;the non-Han nationalities in the north, west, and south
蛮夷 [mán yí]
  • [the marns-name for aboriginal tribes or minority nationality in ancient China] 古代泛指华夏中原民族以外的少数民族

  • 来蛮夷间。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  • 为降虏于蛮夷。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 北蛮夷之鄙人。--《战国策.燕策》

  1. 这是被征服地和蛮夷之地的边界。

    This was the boundary between settled and wild areas .

  2. 古时候,长城保卫着中国,使之免遭蛮夷的入侵。

    In ancient times , the Great Wall fortified China against barbarian invasions .

  3. 其它国家虽然存在,却都是蛮夷之邦。

    Other nations existed , but they were barbarians .

  4. 当时他们(指蛮夷)不是中国人,只是现在被看做中国人而已。

    They were not Chinese then , they are only viewed to be Chinese now .

  5. 另一方面,楚国蛮夷高级贵族中也有保持本族葬俗拒绝人殉或陪葬者。

    On the other hand , some of the high barbarian noble of Chu refused human sacrifice .

  6. 自古以来,雷州半岛也是蛮夷之地。

    Besides , the Leizhou Peninsula has been the land of " barbarians " from time immemorial .

  7. 清朝的官员拒绝了,说道“这些蛮夷不可能比我们做得更好。”

    The Qing official refused and said " No possible for those barbarians have something better than us . "

  8. 但是北方那个蛮夷之邦却让数千同胞为保加利亚的自由捐躯。

    But the rude barbarians of the North sent their sons by the thousand to die for Bulgarian freedom .

  9. 对你们我表示深深的同情,也希望蛮夷之人消失殆尽。

    I have the deepest sympathy for you , and would have this barbarian wiped off the face of the earth .

  10. 如若皇帝不借用权力,百姓便会叛乱,蛮夷也会入侵,王朝将濒于倾覆。

    If the Emperor didn 't use his power , people would rebel , invaders would come and his Dynasty would shake then fall .

  11. 楚本南方蛮夷之邦,北融华夏、南合蛮夷,决定了楚方言具有一定的混合性质。

    Living the south of the Chu State , North into China , South All living overseas , decided Chu mixed dialects have certain properties .

  12. 2000多年来,中国的皇帝一直以同样的方式来对应入侵的蛮夷,即以赏赐财物,如丝绸或送公主和亲的办法与他们达成妥协。

    Chinese emperors had dealt in the same way with penetrating M barbarians : making concessions to them by granting them material presents like Chinese silk or sending them princesses .

  13. 泰伯“端委以治周礼”表明代表当时先进文化的周文化对蛮夷土著文化的渗透和交融。

    Tai Bo administrated the country with Zhou 's etiquette , which showed the infiltration and blend from the advanced Zhou 's culture to the original Man Yi 's culture .

  14. 根据族源、迁徒、民族英雄以及蛮夷文化之荟萃的探索,论述其民族学价值。

    According to being in quest of origin of the nation , migration , ethnic heroes and the essence of primitive culture , we could expound the epic 's ethnological value .

  15. 中国视自己为全世界的中心&自给自足,根本不需要向那些“蛮夷之邦”学习任何东西。

    Being the " Middle Kingdom ", China was at the center of the world & needing nothing from anyone , with nothing to be learned from those " barbarians " .

  16. 中国看到西方的蛮夷依仗其技术力量把自己的意志强加于中央王国及其他亚洲国家。

    China learned that the barbarians of the West had acquired a technology that could enable them to impose their will on the Middle Kingdom as well as on other Asian states .

  17. 同时,采取暴力征伐与怀柔两种手段将大量荆州蛮夷纳入荆州地方基层社会,并迫使少数蛮夷继续向边远山区迁徙。

    Meanwhile , the violent conquest and appeasement are two means of adding a large number of Jingzhou Jingzhou local grassroots social barbarians and forced a few barbarians continue to migrate to remote areas .

  18. 怀化自古就被誉为五溪蛮夷之地,是南方少数民族聚居最为集中的地段之一。

    Huaihua used to be regarded as the habitation of the barbarians which is the confluence of the five rivers , it is one of the most concentrative places where the South Minorities stay together .

  19. 在这里有百万英亩沃土有待开垦,当然还有财富,金山银海绵延无绝,但这蛮夷之地也暗藏着无限杀机,绝非凡人能够征服。

    Millions of acres for anyone who can conquer it . Riches , too . Thousands of tons of gold and silver . But this land is also brutal wilderness . Conquering it requires extraordinary people .

  20. 初期,以日本吸收优秀的中国传统文化,并通过中国学习西方先进文化为主流,中国仍然视日本为蛮夷之邦,国民存在浓厚的轻日趋向。

    In the beginning , Japan absorbed the excellent culture of China , and learned the Western advanced culture through China . China recognized Japan as a barbarized country , and civilians in China despised Japan densely .

  21. 这种艺术形式不仅吸取了中原艺术文化精髓,还兼收并蓄南方蛮夷文化的内容,并与楚地艺术的精神气质相结合,形成了一类多元化的舞蹈形式。

    Having absorbed not only the cultural essence in the Central plains , but also the marrow of the southern culture , this dance develops a kind of diverse form on the basis of the local spirit in Chu .

  22. 在这种情况下,边境循吏承担着渐化蛮夷的职责,通过宣传中原先进文化来缩小边疆地区的民族差异,缓和民族冲突。

    In this case , the border honest and ruthless officials bear the duties of ' gradual educating the frontier tribes ' . They narrow the differences and ease the ethnic conflicts in border areas by propagate the Central Plains ' advanced culture to the areas .

  23. 第三章:主要论述两汉时期设立在长安和洛阳的蛮夷邸,考察了蛮夷邸的设立原因、所处的位置、主要作用、对当时政治、经济、文化的影响。

    Chapter 3 : primarily dissertates the mansions of the barbarians established in Changan and loyang during the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty , and investigates the reason of establishment , location , main function and the influence on politics , economy and culture at that time .