
rén zhǒng
  • race;ethnic group;the human species
人种 [rén zhǒng]
  • [race] 人类的分支,它具有能由后代遗传的并足以鉴定它为一个独特的人类类型的特征

人种[rén zhǒng]
  1. 该研究是对人种群体激素水平进行的最大规模的分析,也是首次大规模对夏威夷土著人和拉丁人进行研究。

    The study is the largest analysis of hormone levels by ethnic group , and the first large study of native Hawaiians and Latinas .

  2. 其中AMD的发病与年龄、人种、遗传史、吸烟、环境等因素有关;

    The pathogeny of AMD is linked with age , race , the history of heredity , smoking and environment .

  3. 黑人群体大声疾呼,要求维护有色人种的权利。

    Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color .

  4. 在夏威夷,许多人种混居在一起。

    Many races are mixed in Hawaii .

  5. 东方国家的人种主要是黄色的或棕色的。

    The people in the Orient are mainly yellow or brown .

  6. 一百年前,人们通常用"有色人种"来指称非裔美国人。

    One hundred years ago , " Colored " was the typical way of referring to Americans of African descent .

  7. 由于人种不同,西方人的肤色比东方人要白很多。

    Western people usually have fairer complexions than Eastern people .

  8. 形容词,adj.鬈发人种的,鬈发的

    adj . having wooly or crispy hair valetudinarian n.

  9. 当我们不再认为自己是有色人种时所发生的巨大变化(b考特兰米洛伊)

    The huge shift that occurred when we stopped thinking of ourselves as colored people ( bCourtland Milloy )

  10. 等4种Gm单倍型,它们在蒙古人种群体中较为常见。

    These four Gm haplotypes are commonly found among the Mongoloid populations .

  11. 国内首次发现两例JK(ab)及其在不同人种中的分布

    Two cases of jk ( a-b - ) first found in China

  12. 他是一名牧师,律师和全国有色人种协进会(NationalAssociationfortheAdvancementofColoredPeople,NAACP)前领袖。

    He was a clergyman , lawyer and former head of the NAACP -- the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People .

  13. 他们在采集不同人种的口腔黏膜DNA样本,试图从这条街回溯人类走遍世界各角落的旅程。

    They are scraping DNA off the cheeks of this kaleidoscope of people and attempting to retrace humanity 's journey to all corners of the earth on this single street .

  14. 该报告同时也显示不同人种在STD感染例数的差异及STD在妇女中的高发病率。

    The report also shows persistent racial disparities across STD figures , and the burden among women is also particularly heavy .

  15. 结论我国UC患者ANCA阳性率不高的因素可能是:①被检患者人种不同,缺乏可比性;

    Conclusions The positive rates of ANCA in patients with UC is not hight in China .

  16. 死亡前行CPR患者的比率随时间增长,且有色人种比率更高。

    The proportion of patients undergoing in-hospital CPR before death increased over time and was higher for nonwhite patients .

  17. 总的CPR发生率为每1000住院患者人2.73次,同时黑人及其他有色人种发生率要更高。

    The overall incidence of CPR was2.73 events per1000 admissions ; the incidence was higher among black and other nonwhite patients .

  18. 年龄,白色人种,女性同G-CSF动员后显著降低CD34+细胞计数相关。编译。

    Age , white ethnicity , and female gender were associated with significantly lower post – G-CSF CD34 + cell counts .

  19. 弗兰德度过了一段坎坷的棒球后时代,他克服了酗酒、经历了还债和一段失败的婚姻,最终于1992年获得全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)杰基·罗宾森奖(JackieRobinsonAward)。

    Flood overcame a rough post-baseball life of alcoholism , debt and a failed marriage to receive the NAACP Jackie Robinson Award in 1992 .

  20. 从戛纳电影节、到F1方程式锦标赛、到有色人种民权促进协会,到处都有他们的身影。

    The pair are often spotted hand-in-hand on the red carpet , everywhere from the Cannes Film Festival to Formula One Grand Prix races to the NAACP awards .

  21. 手机另一个不那么惊人的新奇用途,是为微软(Microsoft)产品营销及设计部门工作的人种学者唐娜•弗林(DonnaFlynn)在中国进行现场工作期间发现的。

    Another less startling but novel use was uncovered during fieldwork in China by Donna Flynn , an ethnographer working for Microsoft on product marketing and design .

  22. n.属,种;种族,人种vi.比速度,参加竞赛世界上主要有三种种族,白种人,黑种人和黄种人。

    race There are mainly three kinds of races in the world , the white race , the black race , and the yellow race .

  23. 1953年,即将继承其父事业、同父亲一样也是一个理想主义者的小托马斯??沃森(ThomasWatsonjunior)威胁如果肯塔基州和北卡罗莱纳州不能在人种问题上达到完全的平等旧要取消在这两个州的建厂计划。

    In 1953 Thomas Watson junior , a similarly idealistic soon-to-be successor to his father , threatened to cancel plans for plants in Kentucky and North Carolina if they could not be fully racially integrated .

  24. 而SLE患者等位基因频率和携带者频率分布均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。在不同人种CTLA-4基因-1722位点基因型频率和等位基因频率分布存在差异。

    However , significant differences in the frequencies of TT genotype and alleles of CTLA-4 promoter - 1722 were found among different races ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 多态性基因频率群体分布采用HardyWeinberg平衡检验,苏州地区汉族人与高加索人种基因频率差异比较采用χ2检验。

    Gene frequency distribution was tested by Hardy Weinberg equilibrium . Comparison of genotypic frequency between the Suzhou Han population and the Caucasians was made by χ 2 test .

  26. 科林•特恩布尔(ColinTurnbull)在1972年出版了一本关于Ik部落的人种志研究著作——《山民》(TheMountainPeople)。这本书提供了一个“贫穷滋生怀疑”的例子。20世纪60年代,乌干达旱灾重创这个流离失所的部落。

    An example of poverty breeding mistrust comes from Colin Turnbull 's ethnographic study The Mountain People ( 1972 ) , about the Ik , a displaced tribe ravaged by Ugandan drought in the 1960s .

  27. 与欧美人种相比,中南地区人群offset明显较小,而颈干角明显较大,大多数股骨近端髓腔径线参数比白种人明显较小。

    Compared with the west people , the offset is significantly smaller , while the neck shaft angle is significantly larger , the most parameters of the proximal femoral medullary cavity diameter is significantly smaller than those in white peoples . 4 .

  28. 该研究中有三位高中英语教师为主要参与者。本文对他们在新课程话语影响下的教学活动通过人种志(ethnography)和叙述性研究(narrativeinquiry)的方法进行了分析。

    With three English teachers from three senior middle schools as the main participants , this study attempts to make a critical analysis of their life and practices under the impact of New Curriculum discourse through the research methods of ethnography and narrative inquiry .

  29. 结论:发现中国人种恶性高热患者RYR1基因新的突变位点,且均为无义突变,可以引起蛋白质结构和功能的改变,其机制尚需进一步研究。

    All of the mutations are nonsense mutation . These can induce the structure of protein change which needs further studies .

  30. 高加索人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(A3、B8等)由西向东又由北向南递减。东南亚蒙古人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(B46等)由南向北递减。

    Frequencies of HLA alleles of Caucasoid origin ( A3 , B8 and others ) decrease eastwards and southwards , and those of HLA alleles of Southeast Asia Mongoloid origin ( B46 and others ) decrease northwards .