
ài guó zhǔ yì
  • patriotism
爱国主义 [ài guó zhǔ yì]
  • [patriotism] 对国家的爱或忠心的思想;爱国者的美德和行动

爱国主义[ài guó zhǔ yì]
  1. 爱国主义是政客们的惯用伎俩。

    Patriotism is every politician 's stock-in-trade

  2. 这部小说的主题之一是爱国主义。

    One of the major themes of the novel is patriotism .

  3. 黑格非常强烈的爱国主义责任感使他的地位大大提高了。

    Haig 's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty

  4. 这个学校注重爱国主义教育。

    The school pays particular attention to fostering in patriotism .

  5. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  6. 世界主义很难摆脱反爱国主义的色彩。

    Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti-nationalism .

  7. 爱国主义可以很快转变为沙文主义。

    Patriotism can turn into jingoism very quickly .

  8. 他们剥除了极端爱国主义的外衣,在剧中展示了战争恐怖的实质。

    They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play , by showing war in its true horror .

  9. MarkTwain爱国主义就是永远支持你的祖国,并在你的政府配得上你的支持的时候支持它。

    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time , and your government when it deserves it .

  10. 建立爱国主义教育学是社会主义精神文明建设、公民道德建设、中国加入WTO的迫切需要。

    It is urgent to establish patriotism Pedagogy with which we are building a society , an advanced culture and ideology , citizen morals , and which will help us join WTO .

  11. 事实上,菲亚特公司(Fiat)旗下品牌克莱斯勒和玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)都发布了以爱国主义和驱动力为主题的严肃广告。

    Indeed , Chrysler and Maserati , both owned by Fiat , went with serious ads focused on themes of patriotism and drive , and both felt flat .

  12. 它是一个爱国主义巨著,叙述了Manas,他的后裔以及他的追随者的事迹,他们在九世纪反对维吾尔族入侵,从而捍卫了吉尔吉斯斯坦的独立。

    It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers , who fought against the Uyghurs in the ninth century to preserve Kyrgyz independence .

  13. 传统文化的熏陶是其爱国主义精神产生和形成的文化渊源;

    The influence of traditional culture is the origin and source ;

  14. 近代爱国主义思潮层次再论

    Restudying the Administrative Levels of the Ideological Trend of Modern Patriotism

  15. 这对我省爱国主义教育具有重要的作用。

    The patriotic education in our province plays an important role .

  16. 爱国主义是与人类社会的发展息息相关的问题。

    Patriotism is closely related to the development of human society .

  17. 论儒家文化对培养现代爱国主义情感的积极作用

    The Positive Functions of Confucian Culture in Cultivating Modern Patriotic Emotion

  18. 对传统文化与爱国主义教育的关系进行了思考;

    Considers the academic relation of traditional culture and patriotic education ;

  19. 谈语文教学中的爱国主义感情培养

    On the Cultivation of Patriotic Feeling in the Teaching of Chinese

  20. 屈原爱国主义研究的历史审视

    A Historical Survey of the Research into Quyuan ′ s Patriotism

  21. 关于加强和改进大学生爱国主义教育的几点理论思考

    The Pondering on Strengthening and Improving College Students ' Patriotism Education

  22. 论述了以史为鉴如何更激爱国主义热情。

    Take warning from history to arouse the enthusiasm of patriotism .

  23. 爱国主义教育是历史教学中的一个永恒的主题。

    Education in patriotism is an eternal theme in history education .

  24. 爱国主义教育是大学生思想教育的重点。

    College students patriotism education has long time being focal point .

  25. 大学生爱国主义教育必须不断创新。

    College students'patriotic education must adhere to apply theory to reality .

  26. 中山舰爱国主义教育基地规划创意

    Planning Idea of " Zhongshan " Warship Base for Patriotism Education

  27. 论经济全球化背景下大学生爱国主义教育

    Patriotism Education for College Students in the Background of Economic Globalization

  28. 那么,如何才能确立现代爱国主义的价值观呢?

    So how do we reinforce the modern concept of nationalism ?

  29. 我国高校爱国主义教育存在的缺陷;

    The weaknesses of the patriotism education in our colleges and universities ;

  30. 元杂剧爱国主义作品的结构模式

    The structure pattern of the patriotic works of Yuan drama