
  • 网络Human Experiment;human subjects experimentation;human experimentation
  1. 人体实验的道德风险及其防范与控制

    The Preventing and Controlling for the Moral Hazard in Human Experiment

  2. 转基因食品人体实验法律制度的构建;

    Construct the legal system of the human experiment of GMF ;

  3. 人体实验表明心理训练可通过提高血管内皮细胞NOS活性,促进冷适应建立。

    Mental training in human promoted cold adaptation by increasing the NOS activity .

  4. 东方次睾吸虫(Metorchisorientalis)人体实验感染报告

    Report on Human Body Experimental Infection with Metorchis orientalis

  5. 但人体实验表明,肥胖者Ghrelin较正常体重者低。

    But the experiments in human showed that Ghrelin level is lower in the obesitas people than that with normal BMI .

  6. 但美国过敏、哮喘与免疫学院院长MichaelFoggs表示,上述功效仍需要通过人体实验的验证。

    Human tests , however , are needed to show efficacy , says American College of Allergy , Asthma and Immunology President Michael Foggs .

  7. 计算机模拟仿真、体模实验和人体实验的结果均表明,较截断型曲线拟合方法,本文所提出的方法能得到信噪比更高、测量结果更准确的T2定量图谱。

    Computer simulation , phantom and in vivo study have all shown that more accurate quantitative T2 mapping , as well as higher SNR , is obtained by the proposed method in comparison with truncation curve fitting method .

  8. 目的建立3周头低位倾斜(HDT)-6°人体实验模型,观察卧床模拟失重期间脑血流变化及其与立位耐力的关系。

    Objective To investigate the change of human cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) and its relation to orthostatic tolerance during 21 days of - 6 ° head down tilt ( HDT ) bed rest .

  9. 高原现场人体实验研制高原分体式弥散供氧系统,并利用该系统在海拔3500m高原建立氧浓度25.49%±0.26%富氧室(生理等效高度约2100m)。

    Human subjects experimentation on the high altitude scene At high altitude of 3500m above sea level , the oxygen enriched room with the oxygen concentration of 25.49 % ± 0.26 % ( physiologically equivalent altitude about 2100m ) was built by utilizing high altitude diffusion oxygen-supply system .

  10. 高温环境中服装材料选择的人体实验

    Human Body Experiment on Apparel Material Selection in High Temperature Environment

  11. 现在他是他们新的人体实验品了。

    But he 's now their new subject for human experimentation .

  12. 关于人体实验的伦理评价与原则选择

    Appraise In Ethics And Choice of The Ethical Principle About Human-body Experiments

  13. 国家卫生研究院的政策关心人体实验主题的保护教育。

    NIH policy regarding education on the protection of human research subjects .

  14. 转基因食品人体实验的伦理辩护

    Ethical justification for experiment of genetically modified food on humans

  15. 试析德国纳粹人体实验的道德逻辑

    On the Ethical Logic of Nazi 's Criminal Human Experiments

  16. 对违规人体实验的宽容在一定程度上怂恿了这种行为。

    The tolerating get out of line in human experiment help the behavior .

  17. 方法:采用控制暴露人体实验。

    Methods : The controlled human exposure experiment was applied in this study .

  18. 法新社报道说,澳大利亚在7月中旬开始了疫苗的人体实验。

    And Australia began human trials for vaccine in mid-July , AFP reports .

  19. 神经科学的模型分析是替代动物和人体实验的有效途径。

    Substituting model analysis for animal and human body is an effective way .

  20. 至今还无人尝试人体实验。

    No one has yet attempted a human experiment .

  21. 他们做了无数的人体实验而创造出了你。

    They conducted countless human experiments to create you .

  22. 人体实验是一种特殊的交易活动。

    A human experiment is a especial bargaining activity .

  23. 人体实验失范原因分析及对策

    The Cause Analysis and the Countermeasure of Get out of Line in Human Experiment

  24. 由于人体实验方法学的限制,本研究采用动物实验的方法对上述问题进行逐一探讨。

    Animal experiment was adopted in this study , as human experiment is impossible .

  25. 研究涉及到人体实验参与者的道德议题。

    Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Participants .

  26. 控制暴露人体实验&眼结膜受损色斑检查方法的研究(续三)

    Controlled Human Exposure Experiments & Study on Measurement for Eye Conjunctival Epithelium Damage .

  27. 人体实验的分类及伦理分析

    Classification of the human experiment and ethics analysis

  28. 在人体实验、放弃治疗等领域,充分尊重病人的知情同意权具有极大的现实意义。

    It is of great legal value to respect a patients informed consent right sufficiently .

  29. 基于径向基网络的液冷服人体实验非线性模型辨识

    Nonlinear Model Identification Based on RBF Neural Network in Human Experiment of Liquid Cooling Garment

  30. 3种方法对脂肪细胞损伤程度的人体实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Injury Percents of Fat Cells Removed from Human Body by Three Methods